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st: RE: RE: Question about tabsort (shorter alternative)

From   "Rodrigo Brice�o" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: RE: Question about tabsort (shorter alternative)
Date   Fri, 12 Jul 2002 11:20:15 -0600

Thanks Nick, right now you are my statahero. The option number 2 give me
exactly what I want.
Let me explain two more things:

1. CIE-10 is the international clasification of sicknesses. I think that I
can assign the code with the corresponding description in Excel, is not a
big deal.

2.  Months ago I asked to the list how can I generate some age groups. I use
that help in order to have a frequency of the hospital discharges by age
groups. The problem here is that I found that my variable age was a string8
variable. Then the options to generate a new variable was restricted: I
tried typing:

gen str8 rank_edad=1 if inrange(edad,0,0) to construct my age groups (less
than 1 year, between 1 and 4, between 5 and 9, 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49,
50-59 and the last one 60 or more)

This not work for me so I try:

encode edad, gen (edad2) like I learned from my net course on Stata. The
things appear to be ok, because when I type tab edad2 I see all the ages
correctly. The problem here is that I'm building three groups (the first
three) that don�t have data on it.  But Stata is calculating something on
it, I don't know why.

gen byte rank_edad=1 if range(edad2,0,0)
replace rank_edad=2 if inrange (edad2,1,4)
replace rank_edad=3 if inrange (edad2,5,9)
replace rank_edad=4 if inrange (edad2,10,19)
and so on.....

tab  rank_edad

  rank_edad |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
   1-4_anos |         90        1.73        1.73
   5-9_anos |       1190       22.88       24.61
 10-19_anos |       2114       40.64       65.24
 20-29_anos |        892       17.15       82.39
 30-39_anos |        304        5.84       88.24
 40-49_anos |        202        3.88       92.12
 50-59_anos |        162        3.11       95.23
Mas_60_anos |        248        4.77      100.00
      Total |       5202      100.00

Do you know or guess why Stata is putting data on the first three groups
that is supposed to be empty (I build those groups because I'm making a do
file, that I can apply to other databases).



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