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Re: st: repeating same command for a number of variables

From   Ulrich Kohler <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: repeating same command for a number of variables
Date   Fri, 12 Jul 2002 10:49:14 +0200

Am Donnerstag, 11. Juli 2002 18:10 schrieben Sie:
> I am looking survey data and in this particular section, respondents have
> given reasons for saving. I allow for upto four reasons and as such have
> four variables (other1c other2c other3c other4c). Having coded all the
> responses, I have upto 22 reasons and I would now like to flash out
> illegal entries (exceed the codebook limits). I have a crude syntax (which
> lists values greater than the codebook limit of 22 but are not missing)
> list houscode other1c other2c other3c other4c if (other1c >22 &   /*
> */ other1c ~=.)|(other2c >22 & other2c ~=.)|(other3c > 22 & other3c /*
> */ ~=.) |(other4c > 22 & other4c ~=.)
> Is there an easier (more elegant or less repetitive) way of doing this

Don't know if this is what your looking for, but I often code things like 
that as follows:

. mark touse
. markout touse other?c 
. list houscoude other?c if touse & other1c>22 & other2c>22  /*
   */ & other3c>22 & other3c>22 

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