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st: problem with surface (3D)

From   Ricardo Ovaldia <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: problem with surface (3D)
Date   Tue, 9 Jul 2002 09:03:59 -0700 (PDT)

Dear all,

I am having trouble using the STB command -surface-.
Please help. This is the error I get:

 . surface  yhat1 folat b12
xlines not found

I think I am using the latest version:

 . which surface
*! version 1.3 am 12Oct98               [STB-51: gr39]

All values are numeric:

. des  yhat1 folat b12

              storage  display     value
variable name   type   format      label      variable
yhat1           float  %9.0g                  Fitted
folat           float  %9.0g                  Folat
b12             float  %9.0g                  B12

The trace follows my signature.

Thank you in advance,

. surface  yhat1 folat b12
- version 5.0
- local varlist "ex min(3) max(3)"
- local options "SAVING(string) Box(string)
EYE(string) ROUND(int 5) LABELRND(real 0.01)
> g) XLABel(string) YLABel(string) ZLAB(string)
- parse "`*'"
- parse "`varlist'", parse(" ")
- local x `1'
- local y `2'
- local z `3'
- if "`orient'"=="" {
- local orient = "xyz"
- }
- else {
  if "`orient'"=="xyz" | "`orient'"=="xzy" |
"`orient'"=="yxz" | "`orient'"=="yzx" |
> " | "`orient'"=="zyx" {
  else {
  di in red "orient must contain one of the following
strings xyz, xzy, yxz, yzx,zxy,zyx"
  di in red "Re-setting orient to xyz"
  local orient = "xyz"
- global max_by=23063
- global max_rx=32000
- global topy=2000
- global boty=21000
- global leftx=3500
- global rightx=30000
- global width=$rightx-$leftx
- global height=$boty-$topy
- if "`box'" ~= "" {
  parse "`box'", parse(",")
  if(`1'<2000) {
  di "WARNING Bounding box wrong top y `1'<2000"
  if(`3'>21000) {
  di "WARNING Bounding box wrong bottom y `3'>21000"
  if(`5'<3500) {
  di "WARNING Bounding box wrong left x `5'<3500"
  if(`7'>30000) {
  di "WARNING Bounding box wrong right x `7'>30000"
  if(`1'>=`3' | `5'>=`7') {
  di "WARNING Bounding box wrong Is `1'>=`3'? OR is
  else {
  global topy=`1'
  global boty=`3'
  global leftx=`5'
  global rightx=`7'
  global width=$rightx-$leftx
  global height=$boty-$topy
- sq_dat `x' `y' `z', round(`round')
- version 5.0
- local varlist "ex min(3) max(3)"
- local options "ROUND(int 5)"
- parse "`*'"
- parse "`varlist'", parse(" ")
- tempname xx yy
- local error 0
- sort `1'
- cap unique `1'
- version 5.0
- local varlist "req ex min(1) max(1)"
- parse "`*'"
- parse "`varlist'", parse(" ")
- local var `1'
- preserve
- sort `var'
- qui by `var': keep if _n==1
- global S_1=_N
- qui drop if `var'==.
- global S_2=_N
- mkmat `var', matrix(resp)
- version 6
- syntax varlist(numeric) [if] [in] [, MATrix(string)]
- tempvar touse
- mark `touse' `if' `in'
- local dogen 0
- if "`matrix'"!="" {
- local matname "`matrix'"
- local dogen 1
- }
- preserve
- qui keep if `touse'
- if _N==0 {
  di "no observations"
  error 2000
- tokenize `varlist'
- local i 1
- while "``i''"!="" {
- qui count if ``i'' == .
- if r(N)>0 {
  di in red "matrix ``i'' would have missing values"
  exit 504
- local i = `i' + 1
- }
- while "``i''"!="" {
  qui count if ``i'' == .
  if r(N)>0 {
  di in red "matrix ``i'' would have missing values"
  exit 504
  local i = `i' + 1
- local nvar = `i' - 1
- local nobs = _N
- if `dogen' {
- matrix `matname'=J(`nobs',`nvar',0)
  mat drop `matname'
- if _rc==0 {
  mat xlines = resp
- else {
- local error=_rc
- }
- sort `2'
- cap unique `2'
- version 5.0
- local varlist "req ex min(1) max(1)"
- parse "`*'"
- parse "`varlist'", parse(" ")
- local var `1'
- preserve
- sort `var'
- qui by `var': keep if _n==1
- global S_1=_N
- qui drop if `var'==.
- global S_2=_N
- mkmat `var', matrix(resp)
- version 6
- syntax varlist(numeric) [if] [in] [, MATrix(string)]
- tempvar touse
- mark `touse' `if' `in'
- local dogen 0
- if "`matrix'"!="" {
- local matname "`matrix'"
- local dogen 1
- }
- preserve
- qui keep if `touse'
- if _N==0 {
  di "no observations"
  error 2000
- tokenize `varlist'
- local i 1
- while "``i''"!="" {
- qui count if ``i'' == .
- if r(N)>0 {
  di in red "matrix ``i'' would have missing values"
  exit 504
- local i = `i' + 1
- }
- while "``i''"!="" {
  qui count if ``i'' == .
  if r(N)>0 {
  di in red "matrix ``i'' would have missing values"
  exit 504
  local i = `i' + 1
- local nvar = `i' - 1
- local nobs = _N
- if `dogen' {
- matrix `matname'=J(`nobs',`nvar',0)
  mat drop `matname'
- if _rc==0 {
  mat ylines = resp
- else {
- local error=_rc+`error'
- }
- sort `1' `2'
- if rowsof(xlines)>_N/2 | `error'>0 {
xlines not found

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