Perhaps we can make some progress.
First, we can get averages of ages for each person with
the same S_id in each household. These are all
either wives of the same husband,
or the husband of at least one wife,
presumably, irrespective of any arbitrariness in who got what
bysort hhold S_id : egen meanS_age = mean(S_age)
Now we generate the number of spouses with the
same S_id:
by hhold S_id : egen nS = count(S_id) if S_id < .
nS is 1 for each husband (each wife belongs
to just one husband, so the S_id pertaining to
the wife will occur just once)
nS is 1 or more for each wife
nS is . for unmarried members
Sort within -hhold- so that the husbands always get
put first whenever there is more than one wife, and then we can
look at the observation above or below as needed:
bysort hhold (nS) : gen S_age = meanS_age[3 - _n]
That is, within each -hhold- with 2 or more
wives the husband has been sorted first.
For him _n is 1 and 3 - _n is 2.
And, within such -hhold-s, the wives come next.
For whoever is first of them _n is 2 and 3 - _n is 1.
Even if there is just one husband and one wife,
this will still be valid. The husband and wife
are still the first two observations within
each -hhold- and the appropriate S_age is just
obtained by looking up or down as needed.
However, apart from any mistakes here,
this all assumes at most one married man
in each -hhold-. Now tell me...
[email protected]
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