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Re: st: RE: programming question

From   "Maureen Paul" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: programming question
Date   Wed, 3 Jul 2002 16:46:45 +0100


Thanks for the reply. I will try what you suggested. I have included 
a good portion of the propramme so illustrate what I am trying to do. 
The error occurs here:
- while `k' <= `x' {
- tempvar y`k'var1q
- ge `y`k'var1q' = `y`k'iqq' * `2' `if'
  local k = `k' + 1

but it works fine if I remove the bit where I inlcude the 
heteroscedasticity bit.

  noisily oprobit `*' `if' [`weight'`exp']

  scalar `catnum'=e(k_cat)
  scalar `degreef'=e(df_m)
  scalar `obs' = e(N)

  predict `scoreqq' `if', xb
  ge `scor_uqq' = `scoreqq'
  replace `scor_uqq' =. if `1'==. 
  ge `scor_nqq' = `scor_uqq'
  replace `scor_nqq' = `scor_uqq' - _b[`2'] if `2'==1 
  replace `scor_uqq' = `scor_nqq' + _b[`2'] if `2'==0
  ge `diffqq1' = normprob(_b[_cut1]-`scor_uqq') - normprob(_b[_cut1]-
`scor_nqq')  if `1'~=.
  su `diffqq1' `if'
  scalar `diff1' = r(mean)
  scalar `check' = `diff1'
  su `1' `if'
  scalar `depmin' = r(min)
  scalar `depmax' = r(max)

  ge `wj' = ( _b[_cut1] - `scoreqq' ) `if'
  ge `PHIwj' = normprob(`wj') `if'
  ge `phiwj' = (1/sqrt(2*_pi)) * exp( (`wj'^2)/-2 ) `if'
  ge `eqq'=( -1 * `phiwj' ) / (`PHIwj')  if `1'==`depmin' & `ifexp' 
  ge `e2qq'=( -1 * `wj' * `phiwj' ) / ( `PHIwj' ) if `1'==`depmin' & 
  ge `e3qq'=( -1 * (`wj'^2) * `phiwj' ) / ( `PHIwj' ) if 
`1'==`depmin' & `ifexp'   
  ge `e4qq'=( -1 * (`wj'^3) * `phiwj' ) / ( `PHIwj' ) if 
`1'==`depmin' & `ifexp'     
  su `1' if `1'>`depmin' & `ifexp' 
  local j = r(min)               /* set j to 2nd lowest value of dep 
var */
  local x = 2

   while `j' <= `depmax' { 
	local xless1 = `x'-1
	drop `diffqq1' 
	if `j' < `depmax' {
		ge `diffqq1' = ( normprob(_b[_cut`x']-`scor_uqq') - 
normprob(_b[_cut`x']-`scor_nqq') ) /*
			 */  - ( normprob(_b[_cut`xless1']-`scor_uqq') - 
normprob(_b[_cut`xless1']-`scor_nqq') ) /*
			 */ if `1'~=. 
	else { 
		ge `diffqq1' = normprob(`scor_uqq'-_b[_cut`xless1']) - 
normprob(`scor_nqq'-_b[_cut`xless1']) if `1'~=. 
	su `diffqq1' `if' 
	local diff`x' = r(mean) 
	scalar `check' = `check' + `diff`x'' 

	rename `wj' `wj_1' 
	rename `phiwj' `phiwj_1'
	rename `PHIwj' `PHIwj_1' 
	if `j'~=`depmax' { 
		ge `wj' = ( _b[_cut`x'] - `scoreqq' ) `if' 
		ge `phiwj' = (1/sqrt(2*_pi)) * exp( (`wj'^2)/-2 ) `if' 
		ge `PHIwj' = normprob(`wj') `if' 
	else { 
		ge `wj' = 0 
		ge `phiwj' = 0 
		ge `PHIwj' = 1 

	replace `eqq'=( `phiwj_1' - `phiwj' ) / ( `PHIwj' - `PHIwj_1' ) if 
`1'==`j' & `ifexp' 
	replace `e2qq'=( (`wj_1' * `phiwj_1') - (`wj' * `phiwj') ) /*
		     */  / ( `PHIwj' - `PHIwj_1' )        if `1'==`j' & `ifexp'   
	replace `e3qq'=( ((`wj_1'^2) * `phiwj_1') - ((`wj'^2) * `phiwj') ) 
		     */  / ( `PHIwj' - `PHIwj_1' )        if `1'==`j' & `ifexp'  
	replace `e4qq'=( ((`wj_1'^3) * `phiwj_1') - ((`wj'^3) * `phiwj') ) 
		    */  / ( `PHIwj' - `PHIwj_1' )        if `1'==`j' & `ifexp'    
	if `j'~=`depmax' { 
		tempvar y`x'iqq      
		ge `y`x'iqq' = 0 `if' 
		replace `y`x'iqq'=( `phiwj' ) / ( `PHIwj' - `PHIwj_1' ) if `1'==`j' 
& `ifexp'

	if `x'~=2 { 
		replace `y`xless1'iqq'=( -1 * `phiwj_1' ) / ( `PHIwj' - `PHIwj_1' ) 
					*/	if `1'==`j' & `ifexp' 
	su `1' if `1'>`j' & `ifexp' 
	local j = r(min)       /* replace j with next value of dep var */
	local x=`x'+1 
	drop `wj_1' `phiwj_1' `PHIwj_1'

  replace `e3qq' = `e3qq' + (2 * `eqq') `if'
  replace `e4qq' = `e4qq' + (3 * `e2qq') `if'

  local x=`xless1'                   /* set x to the number of cuts 
  local onecut=( `x' == 1 )          /* onecut=1 if only one cut    

  ge `regdepqq'=1 `if'
  ge `escscq'=`eqq' * `scoreqq' * `scoreqq' `if'
  ge `esc3qq'=`escscq' * `scoreqq' `if'
  ge `esc4qq'=`esc3qq' * `scoreqq' `if'
  ge `e2scscq'=`e2qq' * `scoreqq' * `scoreqq' `if'

  local n=2
  local lastvar=0
  while "``n''" ~= "" & `lastvar' ~= 1  {
	local m=`n'-1
	tempvar evar`m'qq
	ge `evar`m'qq' = `eqq' * ``n'' `if'
	local n = `n'+1
	local lastvar = ( "``n''" == "if" )

  local k=2
  while "``k''" ~= "" {
	local kless1 = `k' - 1
	tempvar e2var`kless1'q
	ge `e2var`kless1'q' = `e2qq' * ``k'' `if'
if "`heteroscedasticity'" ~= "" { parse "`heteroscedasticity'", 
parse(" ") 
	    			tempvar hetvar
	   			local namevar "`1'" 
			      foreach var of varlist `varlist' {
							  if "`var'"=="``k''" {ge `hetvar'=`e2var`kless1'q'' `if'}	    

	local k = `k'+1


  local k=2
  while `k' <= `x' {
	tempvar y`k'var1q
	ge `y`k'var1q' = `y`k'iqq' * `2' `if'
	local k = `k' + 1
  local k=2
  while `k' <= `x' {
	local pless1 = -1
	local p=3
	while "``p''" ~= "" {
		local pless1 = `p' - 1
		tempvar y`k'var`pless1'q
		ge `y`k'var`pless1'q' = `y`k'iqq' * ``p'' `if'
		local p = `p'+1
	local k = `k' + 1
  }                                /* separate loops so keep order of 
vars */
  local k=2
  while `k' <= `x' {
	tempvar y`k'scscq
	ge `y`k'scscq' = `y`k'iqq' * `scoreqq' * `scoreqq' `if'
	local k = `k'+1


local yxiqqs=""
if `onecut' ~= 1 { 
	local yxiqqs=" `y2iqq'-`y`x'iqq' " 

if "`heteroscedasticity'" ~= "" {
	quietly regress `regdepqq' `evar1qq'-`evar`m'qq' `hetvar' `yxiqqs' 
`if' [`weight' `exp'], noconstant
	if e(N) ~= `obs' { display "ERROR " e(N) "observations, when should 
be " `obs' }
	display in text "Heteroscedasticity w.r.t. `namevar'" _col(48) "{c 
|}" %11.7f as result e(r2)*e(N) %18.7f chi2tail(1,e(r2)*e(N)) 


display as text "{hline 47}" _col(48) "{c BT}" "{hline 31}"


Miss Maureen Paul
Department of Economics
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL

Phone: +44 (0)2476528418
Email: [email protected]
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