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st: xtreg, fe: predict u(i) and get a single value for each person

From   Larsen Mona <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: xtreg, fe: predict u(i) and get a single value for each person
Date   Mon, 1 Jul 2002 12:11:33 +0200

I hope that someone could help with the following problem:

I use the procedure xtreg, fe to make a fixed effects estimation. I have got
a panel data set that consists of 500 individuals. I have information about
two years (year1 and year2) for each person. In the long form this data
consists of 1000 observations. That is, the number of observations in the
fixed effects estimation is 1000. Afterwards, I want to predict u(i) to get
a single value  for each person. Right now I get a value for each
observation. That is, u(i)-year1 and u(i)-year2. How do I get a single value
for each person?

Thanks in advance.
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