To Gary:
> See -help byable- or the manual: [P] byable
> Your program is missing a -marksample- or -mark- command, the means
> by which a -byable(recall)- program keeps track of and restricts to each
> by-group.
Thank you for your advice.
Though I read the explanation of -byable- in the programming
manual, I failed to notice the commands you mentioned
(-marksample-,-mark- or -syntax- ).
As a novice of Stata programming, your commnets helped
me a lot. Of course, your sample programs worked alright.
To Nick:
> Two other comments are that
> sd / mean
> is the definition of coefficient of variation in the literature
> I have encountered and that
You're right. Thank you for your correction.
I'm embarrased to make such a careless mistake...
> egen mean = mean(basepay), by(year)
> egen sd = sd(basepay), by(year)
> gen cv = sd / mean
> tabdisp year, c(cv)
> gets you there interactively
-tabdisp- is surely handy in displaying the results more
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