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Re: st: another data cleaning question

From   Babigumira Ronnie <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: another data cleaning question
Date   Mon, 24 Jun 2002 01:29:12 -0700 (PDT)

--- Roger Newson <[email protected]> wrote:
> Use the -int- function (see -help functions-). In this case, you might
> type
> gene cropcod2=int(varcode/100)
> list if cropcod2!=cropcode
> assert cropcod2==cropcode
> drop cropcod2
> and Stata will generate a new variable -cropcod2-, which should be equal
> to -cropcode- if the data are consistent. Stata will then list
> cases, and halt execution if there are any inconsistent cases, and drop
> the variable -cropcod2- otherwise.
> I hope this helps.
Hi Roger,
Many thanks. It works however, I have a slight complication, some of the
variety codes are more than 5. Here is an example (also included is the
new variable cropcod2)

        villcode  cropcode   cropcod2       varcode
1.      1531002       110        110         11001
2.      1531002       110        110         11001
377.    1360100       110       1101        110104
378.    1362000       110       1101        110104

The first 2 varcodes have 5 digits and hence 

. gen cropcod2=int(varcode/100) 

would work just fine, however, the last two have varcodes with 6 digits
which would therefore mean that I would need to rewrite the syntax to 

. gen cropcod2=int(varcode/1000)

This would however truncate that 5 digit varcodes and the resulting
cropcod2 would have 2 digits.

I would therefore like to put in a condition that would allow the first
truncation to be done only if the number of digits in varcode is 5 and
then replace cropcod2 with a new truncated figure if the varcode has 6
digits. I have searched the manual and I still haven't found it. Might you
(or anyone else reading) have any idea how I can do this.


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