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st: mle programming for fixed effects poisson

From   "Eiji Mangyo" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: mle programming for fixed effects poisson
Date   Tue, 18 Jun 2002 14:21:22 -0400

Dear Statalist,

I am new to stata programming. I want to calculate the robust variance
matrix for the fixed effects Poisson estimator. (Wooldridge 2001,
Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data, p676). As far as I can
see, there seems no module for this at SSC. (I would appreciate your
directing me to any related module if any.) I've started programming the
maximum likelihood algorithm for the fixed effects Poisson estimator. My
program produces the same coefficient and standard error estimates as the
Stata _xtpois, fe_ does. (The outputs for both are attached below.) However,
I have three concerns:

1. My program produces the description "8112 real changes made" many times
on the process of maximing the likelihood. (Please see below.) What does
that mean?

2. The log likelihood differs a lot between my program and the Stata
_xtpois, fe_. Any idea about how this happens?

3. The number of observations differs between the two. I suspect this is
because the Stata _xtpois, fe_ drops the following individuals when
maximizing the log likelihood: i) those individuals with only one
observation and ii) those with the dependent variable being equal to zero
for all repeated observations. At least the math is correct: 8112 = 5976 +
585  + 1551 (please see below.) Is my guess correct?

Thank you very much for advices.


OUTPUT using my program:

12 . program define mypoisfe;
        1. version 7;
        2. args todo b lnf;
        3. tempvar flag theta mit mi pit lnfit lnfi T;
        4. /* flag non-missing observations; */
      > gen byte `flag'=0;
        5. replace `flag'=1 if nohosp1~=.&mar~=.&work~=.&
      > prop~=.&save~=.&othass~=.&srhs~=.&srhssq~=.&
      > lival~=.&cht~=.&hins~=.&d89~=.&d96~=.;
        6. mleval `theta'=`b';
        7. quietly {;
        8. gen double `mit'=exp(`theta') if `flag'==1;
        9. by id: egen double `mi'=sum(`mit') if `flag'==1;
       10. gen double `pit'=`mit'/`mi' if `flag'==1;
       11. gen double `lnfit'=$ML_y1*log(`pit') if `flag'==1;
       12.  by id: egen double `lnfi'=sum(`lnfit') if `flag'==1;
       13. by id: gen byte `T'=cond(_n==_N,_N,.) if `flag'==1;
       14. mlsum `lnf'=`lnfi' if `T'~=.;
       15. };
       16. end;

    13 . ml model d0 mypoisfe (nohosp1=mar work prop save othass
      > srhs srhssq lival cht hins d89 d96, noconstant);

    14 . ml max;

      (8112 real changes made)
      initial:       log likelihood = -10794.703
      (8112 real changes made)
      (8112 real changes made)
      alternative:   log likelihood = -10792.961
      (8112 real changes made)
      (8112 real changes made)
      rescale:       log likelihood = -10790.706
      (8112 real changes made)
      (8112 real changes made)

.........the same description repeated many times.............

     Iteration 0:   log likelihood = -10790.706
      (8112 real changes made)
      (8112 real changes made)

.........the same description repeated many times.............

     Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -10332.409
      (8112 real changes made)
      (8112 real changes made)

.........the same description repeated many times.............

      Iteration 2:   log likelihood = -10330.838
      (8112 real changes made)
      (8112 real changes made)
.........the same description repeated many times.............

      Iteration 3:   log likelihood = -10330.838

                                                        Number of obs
                                                        Wald chi2(12)
      Log likelihood = -10330.838                       Prob > chi2

           nohosp1 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95%
               mar |    .075184   .0542964     1.38   0.166     -.031235
              work |   -.006175   .0418165    -0.15   0.883    -.0881338
              prop |  -.0541184   .0387712    -1.40   0.163    -.1301085
              save |  -.0157391   .0306826    -0.51   0.608     -.075876
            othass |   -.110837   .0772474    -1.43   0.151    -.2622392
              srhs |   .2071323   .0636344     3.26   0.001     .0824111
            srhssq |   .0176558   .0105749     1.67   0.095    -.0030706
             lival |   .0539819   .0420495     1.28   0.199    -.0284336
               cht |   .0431224   .0211307     2.04   0.041     .0017071
              hins |   .2528749   .0475968     5.31   0.000      .159587
               d89 |  -.2045044   .0269524    -7.59
 0.000    -.2573302   -.1516787
               d96 |    .155866    .026792     5.82   0.000     .1033547

OUTPUT using _xtpois, fe_:

    11 . xtpois nohosp1 mar work prop save othass
      > srhs srhssq lival cht hins d89 d96, fe;
      note: 585 groups (585 obs) dropped because of only one obs per group
      note: 630 groups (1551 obs) dropped due to all zero outcomes

      Iteration 0:   log likelihood =  -6445.882
      Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -5983.6536
      Iteration 2:   log likelihood =  -5982.017
      Iteration 3:   log likelihood = -5982.0169

      Conditional fixed-effects Poisson               Number of obs      =
      Group variable (i) : id                         Number of groups   =

                                                      Obs per group: min =
                                                                     avg =
                                                                     max =

                                                      Wald chi2(12)      =
      Log likelihood  = -5982.0169                    Prob > chi2        =

           nohosp1 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf.
               mar |    .075184   .0542964     1.38   0.166     -.031235
              work |   -.006175   .0418165    -0.15   0.883    -.0881338
              prop |  -.0541184   .0387712    -1.40   0.163    -.1301086
              save |  -.0157391   .0306826    -0.51   0.608    -.0758759
            othass |  -.1108369   .0772474    -1.43   0.151     -.262239
              srhs |   .2071322   .0636345     3.26   0.001     .0824109
            srhssq |   .0176558   .0105749     1.67   0.095    -.0030706
             lival |   .0539819   .0420495     1.28   0.199    -.0284336
               cht |   .0431224   .0211307     2.04   0.041     .0017071
              hins |   .2528749   .0475968     5.31   0.000      .159587
               d89 |  -.2045044   .0269524    -7.59
 0.000    -.2573301   -.1516786
               d96 |   .1558661    .026792     5.82   0.000     .1033548

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