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st: Testing proportions

From   "Arnold Levinson" <[email protected]>
To   "Statalist" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Testing proportions
Date   Fri, 14 Jun 2002 08:47:41 -0600

I have two statistical questions and a Stata question.
1. One by one, I want to segregate each category of a variable and test it
the remaining observations combined --using ethnicity as an example, blacks
against non-blacks, Hispanics against non-Hispanics, etc. The description of
results would be "significantly different (or not) from all others
combined." I think the test should be adjusted for multiple comparisons (do
others agree?), but I don't think Tukey (single pairwise) or Scheffe
(simultaneous pairwise) would be appropriate. Bonferroni arguably might be
applicable but conservative. Has the test I'm contemplating been defined?

2. Now consider that the data are from a complex-sample survey. I'm not
aware of any methods for multiple comparisons that allow cluster/pweight
adjustments (I'm less concerned about strata, they typically increase

3. Now, if there are answers to 1 & 2, is there a way to apply a multiple
comparison adjustment to a survey command? (For that matter, is there a way
to use single post-estimation tests, e.g. -- svylc -- or -- svytest --
following svytab?)

Thanks for any help.

Arnold H. Levinson, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics
University of Colorado School of Medicine
[email protected]
fax 303.239.3394

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