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st: spss/stattransfer/dates

From   "Boylan, Richard" <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: spss/stattransfer/dates
Date   Sat, 8 Jun 2002 09:18:06 -0500

I have a SPSS dataset in .por format that I would like to transfer
to STATA.  

I used STATTRANSFER (version 5.0).

VAR1 is provided in terms of the date, and VAR2 provides the same
information except it has only the year.  So, this allows me to check
whether the dates were translated consistently.

         VAR1               VAR2 
   1.   -420405888          1977  
   2.   -427749888          1977  
   3.   -465765888          1976  
   4.   -445634688          1976  
   5.   -394745088          1978  
   6.   -386191488          1978  
   7.   -386191488          1978  

The easiest way to see there is something wrong is to try the
STATA command 
. year(VAR1)
that will generate missing values.

Any suggestion on how to translate VAR1 in a way that I get the correct
date?  Thanks.
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