New features
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1.3.3 Changes to existing commands
- alpha incorporates the extensions of Weesie (1997a)
adding item-test and item-rest correlations, average interitem
covariance/correlation for test scale excluding item, and allowing
pairwise computation of covariances as well as computations based on
casewise deletion; see [R] alpha.
- brier incorporates the extensions of Goldstein (1996): it
now computes the mean probability of the forecast, the correlation
between judgments and outcomes, the ROC area, and Spiegelhalter's test of
the ROC area being greater than .5; see [R] brier.
- canon now has new syntax; see [R] canon.
- cc will now optionally perform the BreslowDay test
for homogeneity; see [R] epitab.
- collapse allows pweights and
iweights and provides the interquartile range; see
[R] collapse.
- corc is now undocumented and subsumed by new features of
prais. See [R] prais.
- decode has the new option
maxlength(#), default
maxlength(80), which specifies how many characters
of the value label are to be kept in the newly created string;
see [R] encode.
- dydx and integ have been improved and now
fit a cubic spline to the data and use that to produce the derivative and
integral. Both commands also newly include a by() option
so that calculations can be made within groups. See [R] range.
- egen has several new functions; see [R] egen.
- eq is now undocumented, but continues to work, and in its
place multiple-equation estimators now accept a new in-line equation
syntax or obtain the second equation as an option. heckman,
for instance, does the latter; see [R] heckman.
sureg, for instance, does the former; see [R] sureg.
In all cases, the old syntax continues to work, but only if you first set
version 5.0.
- fit is undocumented because regress has
been given all of its features; see [R] regression diagnostics.
- for has been extensively updated. It is now more
powerful, faster, and easier to use. The syntax is also different;
for works the old way if you set
version 5.0. See [R] for.
- fracpoly, fracplot, and
fracgen provide mean adjustment to variables, provide
component+residual plots, and provide other new features as well. See
[R] fracpoly.
- heckman has been extensively updated and is 3 to 6 times
faster. It has a new and more flexible syntax; allows
cluster(varname), and
pweights; and will optionally estimate Heckman's two-step
model. The new predict used after
heckman can produce Mills' ratio, probability of
selected/observed, expected value of y given both selection and
model equations, and the expected value of y conditional on
selection. See [R] heckman.
- hlu is now undocumented and subsumed by new features of
prais. See [R] prais.
- infile, insheet, and input
now automatically widen the display format of variables when the
automatic option is specified. This has to do with the
new, longer value labels and basically allows these commands to work as
you would expect them to work. See [R] infile, [R]
insheet, and [R] input.
- kap and kappa: The kap
command can now handle two or more raters (as kappa always
could); kap and kappa have been modified
to deal with a large number of ratings; both commands now display tables
with missing rows and columns more prettily, and a new
absolute option has been added to kap for
dealing with unobserved outcomes. See [R] kappa.
- lfit, lroc, lsens, and
lstat now work after logit as well as
after logistic.
- lincom allows longer expressions and has a new hazard
rate hr option; see [R] lincom.
- linktest has a new syntax that makes it easier and less
error-prone to use; see [R] linktest.
- logit and logistic have an
asis option to suppress dropping variables and
observations due to oneway causation. logit now allows
iweights. See [R] logit and [R] logistic.
- loneway incorporates the corrections of Gleason (1997) to
the intraclass correlation coefficient for unbalanced and/or weighted
data and provides asymptotic and exact confidence intervals for the
correlation coefficient; see [R] loneway.
- mcc and mcci will report the exact McNemar
test in addition to the asymptotic chi^2 result; see [R] epitab.
- means now reports confidence intervals for the arithmetic,
geometric, and harmonic means (which additions are based on Carlin,
Vidmar, and Ramalheira 1998); see [R] means.
- merge has a new
_merge(newvarname) option to
specify the name for the _merge variable; see [R]
- mlogit allows robust,
pweights, iweights, and
score(). After mlogit, the matrix of
coefficient estimates e(b) is now a row vector, just as
the returned result would be after any other estimation command.
Moreover, get(_b) after mlogit also
returns a row vector unless you set version to 5.0 or
before. See [R] mlogit.
- mvreg now has new syntax; see [R] mvreg.
- nbreg and gnbreg allow
pweights, iweights, and
score(); see [R] nbreg.
- ologit allows robust,
pweights, iweights, and
score(); see [R] ologit.
- oprobit allows robust,
pweights, iweights, and
score(); see [R] oprobit.
- poisson allows robust,
pweights, iweights, and
score(). The new command poisgof reports
a goodness-of-fit test after poisson. See [R]
- prais now supports time-series operators, will produce
heteroscedasticity robust variance estimates using White's method,
provides the two-step method, and will calculate the autocorrelation
coefficient in various ways. The existing corc and
hlu commands are now undocumented and subsumed by new
features of prais. See [R] prais.
predict after estimation has been extensively reworked.
predict is now more tightly coupled to the estimation
command. The default statistic calculated is now related to the
dependent variable. For instance, predict after
weibull gives predicted times,
exp(E(ln t|xj)), and not
predict now calculates more statistics after an
estimation command. For instance, after linear-regression style
estimators, predict can calculate the probability
a <= yj <= b,
E(yj|a <= yj
<= b), and E(yj*) where
yj* = max(a,
min(yj, b)). predict can do this, for
instance, after tobit, after regress, and
after a number of other estimators.
What predict does after an estimation command is now
documented with the estimation command so, if you wanted
to know how predict works after regress,
you would see [R] regress and if you wanted to know how
predict works after clogit, you would
see [R] clogit.
Given predict's new capabilities, the old
fpredict, lpredict,
nlpred, ologitp, etc., commands are now
undocumented (although they still work). predict
replaces them all.
- probit and dprobit have an
asis option to suppress dropping variables and
observations due to oneway causation. They now allow
iweights. See [R] probit.
- regress accepts the new time-series operators. For
example, you can now estimate
. regress irate gnp L.gnp L2.gnp
to model irate with predictors gnp,
one-lagged gnp, and twice-lagged gnp.
See [R] regress and [U] 14.4.3 Time-series varlists.
- regdw (regression with DurbinWatson statistic) is
now undocumented and replaced by the post-estimation command
dwstat for use after regress; see
[R] regression diagnostics.
- reshape has an all new, easier-to-use syntax (Gould 1997,
Weesie 1997b); see [R] reshape.
- sampsi includes the additions of Seed (1997, 1998) which
allow for repeated measurements.
- serrbar has been improved; see [R] serrbar.
- st has lots of changes; see [U] New st survival
analysis features earlier in this chapter.
- stack has a new group() option which
provides an easier way to use stack. In addition,
stack's into() option now understands
variable ranges. See [R] stack.
- sureg allows linear constraints and cross-equations
constraints, accepts the new in-line equation syntax, optionally provides
iterated maximum-likelihood estimates, and accepts time-series operators;
see [R] sureg.
- table and tabdisp now have a
concise option which suppresses displaying rows with all
missing values; see [R] table and tabdisp.
- testnl has a new syntax; see [R] testnl.
- ttest, ttesti, sdtest, and
sdtesti now display standard deviations and provide a
level() option to specify the level for the confidence
interval. In addition, string variables are now allowed with the
by() option. See [R] ttest and [R] sdtest.
- weibull converges more rapidly. See [R] streg and
[R] weibull.
- while now works interactively and in do-files.
Previously, you could only use while in a program. See
[R] while.
- xtgee has more families and links. It allows inverse
Gaussian and negative binomial families and complementary log-log,
negative binomial, power, and odds-power links. xtgee now
allows iweights. See [R] xtgee.
- xtgls will now calculate the autocorrelation coefficient
in various ways; see [R] xtgls.
- xtreg, ml is now internal and fast. xtreg
now allows iweights. See [R] xtreg.