Vary the color of points to identify age groups in your scatterplot. Vary the color of bars to identify income levels in your bar graph. And more.
With the new colorvar() option in Stata 18,
you can easily vary the color of markers, bars, and
more based on the values of a variable.
Learn how »
Unsure which model is best?
Why choose just one?
Find out how Bayesian model averaging and
the new bmaregress command can help when
you have model uncertainty.
See it work »
Maps clearly communicate how your data or
results change across regions.
Are you working with spatial data? If so,
check out Ben Jann's new command, geoplot,
when you are ready to create and customize maps.
Try it yourself »
Whether your team is new to Stata or requires specialized expertise, our organizational trainings, both in person and virtual, led by expert StataCorp personnel will save you time and ensure your team excels in every facet of Stata.
Customize a course or choose from one of our existing courses. Schedule the training when it is convenient for you and your team.
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Join us on 9 November for the 2023 Stata Economics Virtual Symposium, a meeting of econometric theory and applied research using Stata.
The program consists of invited talks by top Stata users and researchers in economics, and the virtual platform allows you to experience this one-day event from wherever you are.
View the program »
Are you writing a book that features Stata programs or output—or even Stata itself? Are you in the planning stages? Do you already have a publisher?
Whatever the situation, we can help. StataCorp’s Author Support Program is a complimentary service that offers a range of valuable resources to enhance your book’s Stata content.
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