In the spotlight: Fitting panel-data multinomial logit models
You can model categorical outcomes with mlogit.
You can model longitudinal/panel data with xt.
What if you need both? Try Stata's new xtmlogit
command for modeling categorical outcomes that
change over time.
See it work »
In the spotlight: Bayesian DSGE models
What happens to investment if taxes increase?
What happens to output if interest rates rise?
Macroeconomic DSGE models help us answer these questions.
And what if we want to incorporate our previous knowledge
of the economy? Bayesian DSGE models are the answer.
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You asked. We listened! Newly added features
We introduced many new features in Stata 17. But we didn't stop
there. Since Stata 17 was released, we have listened to feedback from users and added more new features for customizable tables, reporting, treatment effects, and more.
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VCQI: Stata programs for standardized survey data analysis
For health researchers around the world,
understanding vaccination rates for diseases
such as polio and measles and infections such as tetanus is critical.
The Stata programs called vaccination coverage quality indicators (VCQI) make it easy to analyze your vaccine coverage survey data.
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2021 Stata Economics Virtual Symposium
Join us on 10 November for the 2021 Stata Economics Virtual Symposium, where researchers in economics from around the world will discuss current research methods and implementation using Stata.
Seats are limited. View the program and register now.
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New in the Stata Bookstore
Searching for publications that are about Stata and statistics topics? Look no further than the Stata Bookstore.
Find many titles of interest to Stata users, and read the reviews written by our Stata experts.
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