Uses of Annotation Type

Packages that use Synchronized
The Stata Function Interface (SFI) provides the classes necessary for Java to interact with core features of Stata.
Provides a set of utility classes for extending the functionality of the Stata Function Interface (SFI).
  • Uses of Synchronized in com.stata.sfi

    Methods in com.stata.sfi with annotations of type Synchronized
    Modifier and Type
    static int
    Data.addVarByte(String name)
    Add a variable of type byte to the current Stata dataset.
    static int
    DataFrame.addVarByte(String rname, String vname)
    Add a variable of type byte to a data frame.
    Frame.addVarByte(String varname)
    Add a variable of type byte to the frame.
    static int
    Data.addVarDouble(String name)
    Add a variable of type double to the current Stata dataset.
    static int
    DataFrame.addVarDouble(String rname, String vname)
    Add a variable of type double to a data frame.
    Frame.addVarDouble(String varname)
    Add a variable of type double to the frame.
    static int
    Data.addVarFloat(String name)
    Add a variable of type float to the current Stata dataset.
    static int
    DataFrame.addVarFloat(String rname, String vname)
    Add a variable of type float to a data frame.
    Frame.addVarFloat(String varname)
    Add a variable of type float to the frame.
    static int
    Data.addVarInt(String name)
    Add a variable of type int to the current Stata dataset.
    static int
    DataFrame.addVarInt(String rname, String vname)
    Add a variable of type int to a data frame.
    Frame.addVarInt(String varname)
    Add a variable of type int to the frame.
    static int
    Data.addVarLong(String name)
    Add a variable of type long to the current Stata dataset.
    static int
    DataFrame.addVarLong(String rname, String vname)
    Add a variable of type long to a data frame.
    Frame.addVarLong(String varname)
    Add a variable of type long to the frame.
    static int
    Data.addVarStr(String name, int length)
    Add a variable of type str to the current Stata dataset.
    static int
    DataFrame.addVarStr(String rname, String vname, int length)
    Add a variable of type str to a data frame.
    Frame.addVarStr(String varname, int length)
    Add a variable of type str to the frame.
    static int
    Data.addVarStrL(String name)
    Add a variable of type strL to the current Stata dataset.
    static int
    DataFrame.addVarStrL(String rname, String vname)
    Add a variable of type strL to a data frame.
    Frame.addVarStrL(String varname)
    Add a variable of type strL to the frame.
    static int
    DataFrame.allocate(String rname)
    Allocate a new data frame.
    static int
    Data.allocateStrL(StrLConnector sc, long size)
    Allocate a strL so that a buffer can be stored using writeBytes; the contents of the strL will not be initialized.
    static int
    Data.allocateStrL(StrLConnector sc, long size, boolean binary)
    Allocate a strL so that a buffer can be stored using writeBytes; the contents of the strL will not be initialized.
    static int
    DataFrame.allocateStrL(StrLConnector dsc, long size)
    Allocate a strL so that a buffer can be stored using writeBytes; the contents of the strL will not be initialized.
    static int
    DataFrame.allocateStrL(StrLConnector dsc, long size, boolean binary)
    Allocate a strL so that a buffer can be stored using writeBytes; the contents of the strL will not be initialized.
    Frame.allocateStrL(StrLConnector dsc, long size)
    Allocate a strL so that a buffer can be stored using writeBytes; the contents of the strL will not be initialized.
    Frame.allocateStrL(StrLConnector dsc, long size, boolean binary)
    Allocate a strL so that a buffer can be stored using writeBytes; the contents of the strL will not be initialized.
    static void
    Call the Java garbage collector. Calling this method should generally be avoided.
    Set the Frame as the current working frame in Stata.
    Frame.clone(String newName)
    Create a new Frame instance by cloning the current Frame and its contents.
    Close the connection and release any resources.
    static Frame
    Frame.connect(String name)
    Connect to an existing frame in Stata and return a new Frame instance that can be used to access it.
    static int
    Convert a symmetric matrix to a standard matrix.
    static Frame
    Frame.create(String name)
    Create a new frame in Stata and return a new Frame instance that can be used to access it.
    static int
    ValueLabel.createLabel(String name)
    Create a new value-label name.
    static int
    Matrix.createMatrix(String name, int rows, int cols, double initialValue)
    Create a Stata matrix.
    static int
    Matrix.createMatrix(String name, int rows, int cols, double initialValue, boolean isSymmetric)
    Create a Stata matrix.
    static void
    SFIToolkit.display(Object o)
    Display an object in the Stata Results window.
    static void
    SFIToolkit.display(Object o, boolean asis)
    Display an object in the Stata Results window.
    static void
    SFIToolkit.display(Object o, DisplayMode mode)
    Display an object in the Stata Results window.
    static void
    SFIToolkit.display(Object o, DisplayMode mode, boolean asis)
    Display an object in the Stata Results window.
    static void
    SFIToolkit.display(String s)
    Display a string in the Stata Results window.
    static void
    SFIToolkit.display(String s, boolean asis)
    Display a string in the Stata Results window.
    static void
    SFIToolkit.display(String s, DisplayMode mode)
    Display a string in the Stata Results window.
    static void
    SFIToolkit.display(String s, DisplayMode mode, boolean asis)
    Display a string in the Stata Results window.
    static void
    Send a line separator to the output.
    static void
    SFIToolkit.displayln(Object o)
    Display an object in the Stata Results window and automatically add a line separator at the end.
    static void
    SFIToolkit.displayln(Object o, boolean asis)
    Display an object in the Stata Results window and automatically add a line separator at the end.
    static void
    SFIToolkit.displayln(Object o, DisplayMode mode)
    Display an object in the Stata Results window and automatically add a line separator at the end.
    static void
    SFIToolkit.displayln(Object o, DisplayMode mode, boolean asis)
    Display an object in the Stata Results window and automatically add a line separator at the end.
    static void
    SFIToolkit.displayln(String s)
    Display a string in the Stata Results window and automatically add a line separator at the end.
    static void
    SFIToolkit.displayln(String s, DisplayMode mode)
    Display a string in the Stata Results window and automatically add a line separator at the end.
    static void
    SFIToolkit.displayln(String s, DisplayMode mode, boolean asis)
    Display a string in the Stata Results window and automatically add a line separator at the end.
    Drop the frame in Stata.
    static int
    Data.dropVar(int var)
    Drop the variable at the specified variable index.
    static int
    DataFrame.dropVar(String rname, int var)
    Drop the variable at the specified variable index.
    Frame.dropVar(int var)
    Drop the variable at the specified variable index.
    static void
    SFIToolkit.error(Object o)
    Display an object in the Stata Results window as an error.
    static void
    SFIToolkit.error(Object o, boolean asis)
    Display an object in the Stata Results window as an error.
    static void
    SFIToolkit.error(String s)
    Display a string in the Stata Results window as an error.
    static void
    SFIToolkit.error(String s, boolean asis)
    Display a string in the Stata Results window as an error.
    static boolean
    SFIToolkit.errorDebug(String s)
    Display a string in the Stata Results window as an error if set debug on is enabled.
    static boolean
    SFIToolkit.errorDebug(String s, boolean asis)
    Display a string in the Stata Results window as an error if set debug on is enabled.
    static boolean
    SFIToolkit.errorDebug(Throwable t)
    Display the stack trace as an error if set debug on is enabled.
    static void
    SFIToolkit.errorln(Object o)
    Display an object in the Stata Results window as an error and automatically add a line separator at the end.
    static void
    SFIToolkit.errorln(String s)
    Display a string in the Stata Results window as an error and automatically add a line separator at the end.
    static int
    SFIToolkit.errorMsg(int rc)
    Display the standard Stata error message associated with return code rc in the Stata Results window.
    static int rname)
    Free a previously allocated data frame.
    static double
    Matrix.getAt(double[] matrix, int colCount, int row, int col)
    Access an element of a previously obtained Stata matrix in the form of a one-dimensional array.
    static double
    Get the version number of the calling program.
    static double[]
    Mata.getComplexAt(double[] matrix, int colCount, int row, int col)
    Get an element from a previously returned matrix.
    static void
    Mata.getComplexValues(double[] complex, Double real, Double imaginary)
    Get the real and imaginary parts from a complex result.
    static String
    Characteristic.getDtaChar(String name)
    Get a characteristic for the current dataset.
    static String
    Data.getFormattedValue(int var, long obs, boolean bValueLabel)
    Read a value from the current Stata dataset, applying its display format.
    Frame.getFormattedValue(int var, long obs, boolean bValueLabel)
    Read a value from the frame, applying its display format.
    static String
    Frame.getFrameAt(int index)
    Utility method for getting the name of a Stata frame at a given index.
    static int
    Utility method for getting the number of frames in Stata.
    static String
    Macro.getGlobal(String name)
    Get the contents of a global macro.
    static String
    Macro.getGlobal(String name, int type)
    Get the contents of a global macro.
    static String
    Macro.getGlobalSafe(String name)
    Get the contents of a global macro without returning null.
    static String
    Macro.getGlobalSafe(String name, int type)
    Get the contents of a global macro without returning null.
    static String
    ValueLabel.getLabel(String name, double value)
    Get the label for a specified value-label value.
    static String
    ValueLabel.getLabel(String name, int value)
    This method is deprecated because it is not compatible with getting labels for extended missing values; use ValueLabel.getLabel(String, double) instead.
    static String[]
    ValueLabel.getLabels(String name)
    Get the labels for a specified value-label name.
    static String
    Macro.getLocal(String name)
    Get the contents of a local macro.
    static String
    Macro.getLocalSafe(String name)
    Get the contents of a local macro without returning null.
    static long
    Get the number of columns in a Mata matrix.
    static double[]
    Mata.getMataCompAt(String name, long row, long col)
    Read a complex Mata matrix element.
    static String
    Mata.getMataEltype(String name)
    Get the type of a Mata object.
    static double
    Mata.getMataRealAt(String name, long row, long col)
    Read a real Mata matrix element.
    static long
    Get the number of rows in a Mata matrix.
    static String
    Mata.getMataStringAt(String name, long row, long col)
    Read a string Mata matrix element.
    static double[]
    Matrix.getMatrix(String name)
    Get the data in a Stata matrix.
    static int
    Matrix.getMatrixCol(String name)
    Get the number of columns in a Stata matrix.
    static String[]
    Get the column names of a Stata matrix.
    static int
    Matrix.getMatrixRow(String name)
    Get the number of rows in a Stata matrix.
    static String[]
    Get the row names of a Stata matrix.
    static String[]
    Get the names of all value labels in the current dataset.
    static long
    Get the first in a range of observations if Java was invoked with the in qualifier.
    static long
    Get the last in a range of observations if Java was invoked with the in qualifier.
    static int
    Get the number of variables specified when Java was invoked.
    Get the total number of bytes available in the strL.
    static String
    Data.getStr(int var, long obs)
    Read a string value from the current Stata dataset; this method can be used to read str or strL data types.
    static String
    DataFrame.getStr(String rname, int var, long obs)
    Read a string value from a data frame.
    Frame.getStr(int index, long obs)
    Read a string value from the frame.
    static String
    Scalar.getString(String name)
    Get the contents of a Stata string scalar.
    static String
    Scalar.getString(String name, int type)
    Get the contents of a Stata string scalar.
    static String
    Get a valid Stata temporary filename.
    static String
    Get a valid Stata temporary name.
    static Double
    Scalar.getValue(String name)
    Get the contents of a Stata scalar.
    static Double
    Scalar.getValue(String name, int type)
    Get the contents of a Stata scalar.
    ValueLabel.getValueLabels(String name)
    This method is deprecated because it is not compatible with getting labels for extended missing values; use ValueLabel.getValueLabels(String, Map) instead.
    ValueLabel.getValueLabels(String name, Map<LabelValue,String> map)
    Get the value and label pairings for a specified value-label name.
    static int[]
    ValueLabel.getValues(String name)
    This method is deprecated because it is not compatible with getting labels for extended missing values; use ValueLabel.getValueLabels(String, Map) instead.
    static String
    Characteristic.getVariableChar(String variable, String name)
    Get a characteristic for a variable in the current dataset.
    static int
    Data.getVarIndex(String varname)
    Look up the variable index for the specified name in the current Stata dataset.
    static int
    DataFrame.getVarIndex(String rname, String varname)
    Look up the variable index for the specified name in the data frame.
    Frame.getVarIndex(String varname)
    Look up the variable index for the specified variable name in the frame.
    static String
    ValueLabel.getVarValueLabel(int index)
    Get the value-label name associated with a variable.
    static String
    Get the current Stata working directory.
    Determine if the attached strL has been marked as binary.
    static boolean
    Mata.isTypeComplex(String name)
    Determine if the matrix type is complex.
    static boolean
    Mata.isTypeReal(String name)
    Determine if the matrix type is real.
    static boolean
    Mata.isTypeString(String name)
    Determine if the matrix type is string.
    static boolean
    Determine if a varlist was specified when Java was invoked.
    static String
    SFIToolkit.processTildePath(String path)
    Stata utility to convert a path beginning with a tilde to a user's home directory.
    static int
    Data.readBytes(StrLConnector sc, byte[] b)
    Read a sequence of bytes from a strL.
    static int
    Data.readBytes(StrLConnector sc, byte[] b, int off, int len)
    Read a sequence of bytes from a strL.
    static int
    DataFrame.readBytes(StrLConnector dsc, byte[] b)
    Read a sequence of bytes from a strL in the current Stata dataset.
    static int
    DataFrame.readBytes(StrLConnector dsc, byte[] b, int off, int len)
    Read a sequence of bytes from a strL in the current Stata dataset.
    Frame.readBytes(StrLConnector dsc, byte[] b)
    Read a sequence of bytes from a strL.
    Frame.readBytes(StrLConnector dsc, byte[] b, int off, int len)
    Read a sequence of bytes from a strL.
    static int
    ValueLabel.removeLabel(String name)
    Remove a value-label name.
    static int
    ValueLabel.removeLabelValue(String name, int value)
    Remove a value-label value from the specified value-label name.
    static int
    ValueLabel.removeLabelValue(String name, Missing.Extended missingValue)
    Remove a value-label value from the specified value-label name.
    static int
    ValueLabel.removeVarValueLabel(int index)
    Remove a value-label name from a variable.
    Frame.rename(String newName)
    Rename the frame in Stata.
    static int
    Data.renameVar(int var, String newname)
    Rename a Stata variable.
    Frame.renameVar(int var, String newname)
    Rename a variable.
    Reset the access position to its initial value.
    static File
    SFIToolkit.resolvePath(String path)
    Resolve a path to a File; the path may be relative to Stata's current working directory, begin with a tilde, or be an absolute path.
    static int
    Characteristic.setDtaChar(String name, String value)
    Set a characteristic for the current dataset.
    static int
    Macro.setGlobal(String name, String value)
    Set the value of a global macro.
    static int
    Macro.setGlobal(String name, String value, int type)
    Set the value of a global macro.
    static int
    Macro.setGlobal(String name, String value, int type, int vtype)
    Set the value of a global macro.
    static int
    Macro.setGlobal(String name, String value, int type, String version)
    Set the value of a global macro.
    static int
    ValueLabel.setLabelValue(String name, int value, String label)
    Set a value and label for a value-label name.
    static int
    ValueLabel.setLabelValue(String name, Missing.Extended missingValue, String label)
    Set a value and label for a value-label name.
    static int
    Macro.setLocal(String name, String value)
    Set the value of a local macro.
    static int
    Matrix.setMatrixColNames(String name, String[] colNames)
    Set the column names of a Stata matrix.
    static int
    Matrix.setMatrixRowNames(String name, String[] rowNames)
    Set the row names of a Stata matrix.
    static int
    Data.setObsTotal(long obs)
    Set the number of observations in the current Stata dataset.
    static int
    DataFrame.setObsTotal(String rname, long obs)
    Set the number of observations in a data frame.
    Frame.setObsTotal(long obs)
    Set the number of observations in the frame.
    StrLConnector.setPosition(long pos)
    Set the access position.
    static void
    SFIToolkit.setRC(int rc)
    Set the Stata return code when used with Java integration (that is, java[:] blocks).
    static int
    Scalar.setString(String name, String value)
    Set the contents of a Stata string scalar.
    static int
    Scalar.setString(String name, String value, int type)
    Set the contents of a Stata string scalar.
    static int
    Scalar.setValue(String name, double val)
    Set the value of a Stata scalar.
    static int
    Scalar.setValue(String name, double value, int type)
    Set the value of a Stata scalar.
    static int
    Scalar.setValue(String name, double value, int type, int vtype)
    Set the value of a Stata scalar.
    static int
    Scalar.setValue(String name, double value, int type, String version)
    Set the value of a Stata scalar.
    static int
    Data.setVarFormat(int var, String format)
    Set the format for a Stata variable.
    static int
    DataFrame.setVarFormat(String rname, int var, String format)
    Set the format for a variable in a data frame.
    Frame.setVarFormat(int var, String format)
    Set the format for a variable in the frame.
    static int
    Characteristic.setVariableChar(String variable, String name, String value)
    Set a characteristic for a variable in the current dataset.
    static int
    Data.setVarLabel(int var, String label)
    Set the label for a Stata variable.
    Frame.setVarLabel(int var, String label)
    Set the label for a variable in the frame.
    static int
    ValueLabel.setVarValueLabel(int index, String labelName)
    Set the value label for a variable.
    static int
    Data.storeBytes(StrLConnector sc, byte[] bytes, boolean binary)
    Store a byte buffer to a strL.
    static int
    DataFrame.storeBytes(String rname, int var, long obs, byte[] bytes, boolean binary)
    Store a byte buffer to a strL in the current Stata dataset.
    Frame.storeBytes(int var, long obs, byte[] bytes, boolean binary)
    Store a byte buffer to a strL in the frame.
    static int
    Matrix.storeMatrixAt(String name, int row, int col, double val)
    Store an element in an existing Stata matrix.
    static int
    Data.storeNum(int var, long obs, double value)
    Store a numeric value in the current Stata dataset.
    Frame.storeNum(int var, long obs, double value)
    Store a numeric value in the frame.
    static int
    Data.storeStr(int var, long obs, String value)
    Store a string value in the current Stata dataset; this method can be used to store str or strL data types.
    static int
    DataFrame.storeStr(String rname, int var, long obs, String value)
    Store a string value in a data frame.
    Frame.storeStr(int var, long obs, String value)
    Store a string value in the frame.
    static int
    Data.storeStrf(int var, long obs, String value)
    Store a string value in the current Stata dataset; this method can be used to store str data types.
    Frame.storeStrf(int var, long obs, String value)
    Store a string value in the frame.
    static void
    Inform Stata that its data has been modified.
    Inform Stata that the frame's data have been modified.
    static int
    Data.writeBytes(StrLConnector sc, byte[] b)
    Write a byte buffer to a strL; the strL must be allocated using allocateStrL before calling this method.
    static int
    Data.writeBytes(StrLConnector sc, byte[] b, int off, int len)
    Write len bytes from the specified byte buffer starting at offset off to a strL; the strL must be allocated using allocateStrL before calling this method.
    static int
    DataFrame.writeBytes(StrLConnector dsc, byte[] b)
    Write a byte buffer to a strL in the current Stata dataset; the strL must be allocated using allocateStrL before calling this method.
    static int
    DataFrame.writeBytes(StrLConnector dsc, byte[] b, int off, int len)
    Write len bytes from the specified byte buffer starting at offset off to a strL in the current Stata dataset; the strL must be allocated using allocateStrL before calling this method.
    Frame.writeBytes(StrLConnector dsc, byte[] b)
    Write a byte buffer to a strL; the strL must be allocated using allocateStrL before calling this method.
    Frame.writeBytes(StrLConnector dsc, byte[] b, int off, int len)
    Write len bytes from the specified byte buffer starting at offset off to a strL; the strL must be allocated using allocateStrL before calling this method.
  • Uses of Synchronized in com.stata.sfi.util

    Methods in com.stata.sfi.util with annotations of type Synchronized
    Modifier and Type
    static void
    Preference.deleteSavedPref(String section, String key)
    Delete a saved preference.
    static String
    Preference.getSavedPref(String section, String key, String defaultValue)
    Get a saved preference.
    static boolean
    Preference.setSavedPref(String section, String key, String value)
    Write a saved preference.