Package com.stata.sfi

Class StrLConnector

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class StrLConnector
    extends Object
    implements AutoCloseable
    This class facilitates access to Stata's strL data type. All variable and observation numbering begins at 1 unless otherwise stated.


    This example reads a file and writes its contents into a single observation. The code could be modified to store data from other sources, such as from a network stream.

    	public static int dataWriteBytes(String args[]) {
    		String fileName = args[0];
    		byte[] bytes = null;
    		int rc;
    		if ((rc = Data.addVarStrL("mystrl")) !=0) return(rc);
    		if ((rc = Data.setObsTotal(1)) !=0) return(rc);
    		int mapv = Data.getVarIndex("mystrl");
    		long obs = 1;
    		File f = new File(fileName);
    		try (FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(f);
    				StrLConnector dsc = new StrLConnector(mapv, obs)) {
    			bytes = new byte[2048];
    			Data.allocateStrL(dsc, f.length());
    			// writes bytes in chunks
    			while ( != -1) {
    				Data.writeBytes(dsc, bytes, 0, bytes.length);
    		} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    		} catch (IOException e) {
    			return (SFIToolkit.RC_GENERAL_ERROR);
    		} catch (Exception e) {
    			return (SFIToolkit.RC_GENERAL_EXCEPTION);
    		return 0;

    This example shows how to read a strL in binary form, writing each observation to a file.

    	public static int dataReadBytes(String args[]) {
    		long nobs1 = Data.getObsParsedIn1();
    		long nobs2 = Data.getObsParsedIn2();
    		byte[] bytes = new byte[1024 * 8];
    		String fileNameStub = args[0];
    		for (int var = 1; var <= Data.getParsedVarCount(); var++) {
    			int mapv = Data.mapParsedVarIndex(var);
    			for (long obs = nobs1; obs <= nobs2; obs++) {
    				if (!Data.isParsedIfTrue(obs))
    				File f = new File(fileNameStub + "_" + Data.getVarName(mapv) + "_"
    						+ obs + ".bin"); // make a filename for each var and obs
    				try (FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(f);
    						BufferedOutputStream bout = new BufferedOutputStream(fout);
    						StrLConnector dsc = new StrLConnector(mapv, obs)) {
    					int sz;
    					// read the bytes in chunks
    					while ((sz = Data.readBytes(dsc, bytes)) >= 0) {
    						bout.write(bytes, 0, sz);
    				} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    				} catch (IOException e) {
    					return (SFIToolkit.RC_GENERAL_ERROR);
    				} catch (Exception e) {
    					return (SFIToolkit.RC_GENERAL_EXCEPTION);
    		return 0;
    • Constructor Detail

      • StrLConnector

        public StrLConnector​(Frame frame,
                             int var,
                             long obs)
                      throws IOException
        Creates a StrLConnector and connects it to a specific strL in the specified Frame.
        frame - The Frame to reference.
        var - Variable to access.
        obs - Observation to access.
        IOException - Throws an IOException if an error occurs.
      • StrLConnector

        public StrLConnector​(int var,
                             long obs)
                      throws IOException
        Creates a StrLConnector and connects it to a specific strL in the Stata dataset; see Data.
        var - Variable to access.
        obs - Observation to access.
        IOException - Throws an IOException if an error occurs.
    • Method Detail

      • getPosition

        public long getPosition()
        Get the current access position.
        The position.
      • getSize

        public long getSize()
        Get the total number of bytes available in the strL.
        The total number of bytes available.
      • isBinary

        public boolean isBinary()
                         throws IOException
        Determine if the attached strL has been marked as binary.
        True if the strL has been marked as binary.
        IOException - Throws an IOException if an error occurs.
      • reset

        public void reset()
        Reset the access position to its initial value.
      • setPosition

        public void setPosition​(long pos)
        Set the access position.
        pos - The new position.