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This page has links to all the datasets, do-files, and supplementary materials used in Using Stata for Principles of Econometrics, Fourth Edition, by Lee C. Adkins and R. Carter Hill.

Stata datasets

There are multiple ways you can get the datasets. No matter which method you choose, you should start by creating a folder or directory where you would like to keep your local copies of the files. Once this is done, you can either get the files from within Stata or download the files from your browswer and decompress them manually.

Working from within Stata

  1. Start Stata.
  2. Change your working directory to the location you created above by choosing File > Change Working Directory... from the menu bar and navigating to your new folder.
  3. At the Stata prompt, type
       . net from http://www.stata.com/data/s4poe4
  4. Follow the three clickable links to investigate the packages and retrieve each set of files.

In addition to the above method of obtaining all files associated with the book simultaneously, it is possible to use any individual data file from within Stata by typing

    .  use http://www.stata.com/data/s4poe4/filename

As an example, typing

    .  use http://www.stata.com/data/s4poe4/andy

will load andy.dta into Stata.

To download a do-file, you can type

    .  copy http://www.stata.com/data/s4poe4/filename filename

As an example, typing

    .  copy http://www.stata.com/data/s4poe4/chap02.do chap02.do

will download chap02.do to your current working directory.

Working from your browser

To download and decompress all the Stata data files or do-files from your browser, right-click the proper file below, download it, move it to the proper location, and unzip or decompress it.

Supplementary materials

You may want to download the definition files, which give the data sources and summary data about each of the datasets, in addition to the above Stata files. These are available as zip files in s4poe4_definitions.zip.