On February 25, 2009, StataCorp announced the availability of 64-bit Stata 10 for Mac. It was made available for free to Stata 10 for Mac users.
Launch Stata.
Verify that you are running Stata 10. It does not matter whether you are running Stata 10.0 or 10.1. If you are running a version earlier than Stata 10, you will need to purchase an upgrade.
Open the Stata menu and select About Stata...
Look to see whether you are running Stata/IC, Stata/SE, or Stata/MP. There is no 64-bit version of Small Stata.
Close the About box.
Exit Stata.
Click on one of the following disk images:
Flavor | Filename |
Stata/IC | Stata64.dmg |
Stata/SE | Stata64SE.dmg |
Stata/MP | Stata64MP.dmg |
Your browser will download the .dmg file.
If you are using Safari, the .dmg file will open automatically. If you are using Firefox, you may need to manually double-click on the .dmg file, which will be either on the Desktop or in your Downloads folder.
In any case, you will drag the Stata icon from the newly opened window to your Stata folder. So, open a Finder window, navigate to /Applications/Stata, and then drag the icon into that folder.
After the file finishes copying, find Stata64, Stata64SE, or Stata64MP on the Desktop or in the Finder window sidebar and eject it. You can move the .dmg file to the Trash whenever you wish.
The Stata application you used to run is named Stata, StataSE, or StataMP.
The 64-bit Stata application is named Stata64, Stata64SE, or Stata64MP.
You need to delete the old application.
Open a Finder window, navigate to /Applications/Stata, and drag the old Stata application—Stata, StataSE, or StataMP—to the Trash. Empty the Trash.
If you have the Stata icon on the Dock, you must remove it:
Find the icon on the Dock, right-click on it, and select Remove from Dock.
Open a Finder window, navigate to /Applications/Stata, double-click on Stata64, Stata64SE, or Stata64MP.
The first time you run this Stata, you will see following alert:
“Stata64” is an application which was downloaded from the Internet. Are you sure you want to open it?
Choose Open.
If you wish to have the Stata icon on the Dock, do the following:
Find the icon on the Dock, right-click on it, and select Keep in Dock.
Some of you may not have started with a fully up-to-date Stata. Now that we have updated to 64-bit Stata, it's important that the rest of Stata be up to date.
Launch Stata. Type
update all
Follow the instructions.
You now have 64-bit Stata installed and fully up to date. From now on, you may update Stata the usual way, by typing update all.