Title | Interpreting the cut points in ordered probit and logit | |
Author | William Gould, StataCorp | |
Date | January 1999 |
. oprobit y x1 x2 Iteration 0: Log Likelihood = -27.49743 Iteration 1: Log Likelihood =-12.965819 Iteration 2: Log Likelihood =-9.5150903 Iteration 3: Log Likelihood = -8.606356 Iteration 4: Log Likelihood =-8.4755449 Iteration 5: Log Likelihood =-8.4711766 Iteration 6: Log Likelihood =-8.4711702 Ordered probit estimates Number of obs = 40 LR chi2(2) = 38.05 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 Log Likelihood = -8.4711702 Pseudo R2 = 0.6919 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ y | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- x1 | 1.494236 .5281424 2.829 0.005 .4590964 2.529377 x2 | -.6365205 .2387014 -2.667 0.008 -1.104367 -.1686744 ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- _cut1 | -.4097024 .6693587 (Ancillary parameters) _cut2 | 3.073797 1.155658 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The cut points _cut1 and _cut2 are really just coefficients of the model.
The interpretation of this model is
Pr(y=0) = Pr(Xb+u < _cut1) = Pr(u < _cut1-Xb) = F(_cut1-Xb) Pr(y=1) = Pr(_cut1 < Xb + u < _cut2) = Pr(_cut1-Xb < u < _cut2-Xb) = F(_cut2-Xb) - F(_cut1-Xb) Pr(y=2) = Pr( _cut2 < xb+u) = Pr(u > _cut2-xb) = 1 - F(_cut2-Xb)where F() stands for the cumulative normal distribution.
This is confusing because different authors use different notations. Greene (1993, 674) includes an intercept in his Xb term and we do not. So Greene writes Pr(y=0) as F(-Xb). In our notation, _cut1 is Greene's intercept, but with a reversed sign, and our Xb does not have an intercept at all.
We did not design our notation to be complicated; it is just that we use different notations than Greene, and it is confusing to go between them. Try ours; it is really very easy.
* u ~ N(0,1) ** ** * * Define z = X*b + u with NO intercept * * * * Pr(y=0) = Pr(z < _cut1) ** ** *| ** Pr(y=1) = Pr(_cut1 < z < _cut2) * | * * | * Pr(y=2) = Pr(_cut2 < z) ** | ** ** | |** ** | | ** * | | * ** y=0 | y=1 | y=2** ***** | | ****** ---------------|------------|------------ _cut1 _cut2