Title | Passing arguments to do-files | |
Author | William Gould and Mia Lv, StataCorp |
You pass arguments to your do-files by adding the arguments to the run or do command line. Stata will save the extra arguments in the numbered macros so that you can access them.
`0' | what the user typed, exactly as the user typed it. |
`1' | the first argument (first word of `0') |
`2' | the second argument (second word of `0') |
`3' | the third argument (third word of `0') |
... | ... |
`*' | the arguments `1', `2', `3', ... , listed one after the other and with one blank in between; similar to but different from `0' because odd spacing and double quotes are removed |
* Please read manual [U] 18.4 for more information.
Let’s say that you have the following do-file testarg1.do:
display "The first argument is: `1'" display "The second argument is: `2'" display "The third argument is: `3'" display `"All the arguments, as typed by the user, are: `0'"'
Here are some sample output:
. do testarg1 12 crawfish 3.14 . display "The first argument is: `1'" The first argument is: 12 . display "The second argument is: `2'" The second argument is: crawfish . display "The third argument is: `3'" The thrid argument is: 3.14 . display `"All the arguments, as typed by the user, are: `0'"' All the arguments, as typed by the user, are: 12 crawfish 3.14 . do testarg1 "George Washington" 12 1.4 . display "The first argument is: `1'" The first argument is: George Washington . display "The second argument is: `2'" The second argument is: 12 . display "The third argument is: `3'" The thrid argument is: 1.4 . display `"All the arguments, as typed by the user, are: `0'"' All the arguments, as typed by the user, are: "George Washington" 12 1.4
In the above code, we use compound double quotes for
display `"All the arguments, as typed by the user, are: `0'"'
Compound quotes are used to distinguish the double quotes that delimit the string we want to display from any other double quotes that `0' might contain. For more information, please see this explanation of compound double quotes.
Now, let’s say that we want to write a do-file that will accept three arguments. The first argument is the name of a file to use, the second argument is the name of a variable in the dataset, and the third argument is a value of the specified variable indicating the subset of the data that we want to load into memory.
***** test.do ***** use `1' if `2'==`3' **** end of test.do ****
Then, we can type the following commands:
sysuse auto, clear save auto do test auto foreign 1
The arguments auto, foreign, and 1 will be stored in the local macros `1', `2', and `3', respectively. As a result, all the observations in auto.dta satisfying foreign==1 are loaded.
In Stata, the default macros saving the arguments are named as `1', `2', `3' .... However, we may also want to save the arguments into other macros that have more meaningful names so that we might use them throughout our do-file. We can do this with the args command:
The above file test.do can be revised as
***** test.do ***** args fname vname val use "`fname'" if `vname'==`val' **** end of test.do ****
Then, we run test.do. Using the same example, we can type
sysuse auto, clear save auto do test auto foreign 1
The argument auto will be stored in the local macro `fname'; foreign will be saved in the local macro `vname'; and 1 will be stored in the local macro `val'. The macro names fname, vname, and val are defined by us in test.do. You can also customize these macro names.