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st: gologit2

From   "Christian Bustamante" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: gologit2
Date   Mon, 14 Apr 2008 00:52:59 -0500

Hi Statos

I'm doing a research using the ologit command. After the estimation, I
ran the Brant test and the Approximate likelihood-ratio test to verify
the parallel regression assumption. The result was that isn't, because
the chi-squared value of the test was too high (I'm right, am I?).

So, I found a web page which says that it happened, you should use the
Generalized Ordered Logistic Model (gologit2 command).
My questions are:
1. Is it the right solution?
2. Can I verify the parallel regression assumption? Or it doesn't
matter at this point?
3. Which postestimation commands will be useful?

Thanks to everyone in advance

Christian Bustamante
Economic's Student
Universidad Javeriana Cali
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