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st: Help for survial analysis

From   khan ali <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Help for survial analysis
Date   Sun, 19 Aug 2007 21:16:22 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Stata list members,
I am using parametric models for a survival analysis.
I have a sequence of runs and want to test duration
dependence, a technique developed by McQueen and
Thorley (1994) to test the bubbles in stock prices.
They contend that if prices contain bubbles, then runs
of positive returns will exhibit negative duration
dependence, i.e., an inverse relation exists between
the probability of a run ending and the length of the
run. They adopted log-logistic model for testing.
I am little confused while estimating  log-logistic,
weibull model.
I am using following commands

stset curun
streg curun, dist(llogistic) time
streg curun, dist(weibull) time
The attached file contains the data set. 
I appreciate any answer and help.

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