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st: Re: Stata Time Series testparm question
On Jul 17, 2007, at 5:22 PM, Laura Clavijo Muñoz wrote:
Dear Mike, I was reading your thread which I post below:
“Perhaps you have a "Granger causality" test in mind? This can be
accomplished in Stata after estimating a -var-, but it really is
just a test of joint significance of the lags of x. That is, for
var y x, lags(1/3) small dfk
reg y L(1/3).y L(1/3).x
testparm L(1/3).x
should give you exactly the same answer.”
In trying to do the same, Stata doesn´t let me use time-series
operators with testparm. Because I´m using a loop to choose the
optimal lags, I need to be able to use this format L(1/x). Any idea
what is happening?
Thank you very much.
The convention on Statalist is to respond to messages posted there
rather than to individuals. That way, many people potentially can
help you, and any help you receive becomes a public good. Hence, I
have responded to Statalist in my reply. If you have not yet joined
Statalist (i.e., you quoted my message from a web-based search), I
encourage you to do so. See <http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/
statalist.html> for information about subscribing.
With regard to your question, please consider the following set of
commands that generalize my quoted sample code. You should confirm
that these commands work for you as well (i.e., cut and paste them
into a new .do file, and run that in your copy of Stata).
// Begin example code
webuse lutkepohl
gen y = lincome
gen x = lconsumption
set more off
forval q = 1/4 {
var y x, lags(1/`q') small dfk
reg y L(1/`q').y L(1/`q').x
testparm L(1/`q').x
// End example code
One possibility is that your reference to the looping variable
(which you refer to as "x" above) is not understood by Stata.
Sometimes a right tick (') inadvertently is substituted for a left
tick (`) -- a good text editor with syntax highlighting is helpful in
such cases. Otherwise, the admonition on the Statalist FAQ would
seem to apply here: "Messages to the effect that some command did
not work for you are often impossible to answer without seeing
precisely what you typed and what Stata returned in response."
Another possibility is that you are using a different (possibly
older) version of Stata. These commands work with version 9.2 (which
I just confirmed); the latest version of Stata is 10. You may want
to see if you get similar versions and dates from the following three
commands as I do; if one or more is different, that might point
towards the source of your difficulties. (And note also from the
Statalist FAQ: "Please specify if you are using an earlier version;
otherwise, the answer to your question is likely to refer to commands
or features unavailable to you.")
. which testparm
*! version 3.1.3 27jul2004
. version
version 9.2
. update query
(contacting http://www.stata.com)
Stata executable
folder: /Applications/Stata/
name of file: StataSE
currently installed: 12 Jan 2007
latest available: 12 Jan 2007
Ado-file updates
folder: /Applications/Stata/ado/updates/
names of files: (various)
currently installed: 22 May 2007
latest available: 22 May 2007
Do nothing; all files up to date.
Hope that helps.
-- Mike
* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/