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Re: st: extracting tables from stata

From   "Herve STOLOWY" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: extracting tables from stata
Date   Fri, 28 Jan 2005 23:10:00 +0100

Dear Tracey:

A few weeks ago, I sent the following e-mail to the StataList concerning
a question related to your concern: how to get Stata ouptut in Excel or
Word? I hope it will help you.

"Thanks to the help of Nick Cox, Kit Baum, Ben Jann (especially for
-estout-) and Ian
Waston (especially for -tabout-), I could make the following

- summary statistics: use -makematrix- with -summarize-, followed by
- you can add a normality test (with -sktest-) with -makematrix-
- univariate test (t test): -statsmat- (if you want some summary
statistics in the same table), -makematrix- with -ttest-, followed by
- univariate test (Mann Whitney U test): same procedure with -ranksum-
instead of -ttest-
- univariate test (Chi 2): -tabulate- followed by -tabout-
- correlations: -mkcorr- (and not -pwcorr-)
- factor analysis: -factor- followed by -makematrix- followed by
- regression: -estout- (with -estimates store- and -estadd- if you want
to add some specific stats).

Of course, the above suggestions will not cover all the cases. At least,
I know that they work for some research I did in financial accounting.

All the help files will explain how to use the commands".

Best regards

Herv� Stolowy

Coordinateur du D�partement/Head of Department
HEC Paris
D�partement Comptabilit� Contr�le de gestion / Dept of Accounting and
Management Control
1, rue de la Liberation
78351 - Jouy-en-Josas
Tel: +33 1 39 67 94 42 - Fax: +33 1 39 67 70 86
[email protected]
>>> [email protected] 01/28/05 11:27 AM >>>

> Hi,
> I wondered if there was an easy way to extract tables from stata for
> publication. At the moment I create a log file, run my programs, open
> log file and scroll through until I find the tables and copy and paste
> them into excel. However, even using the copy table command , this
> always work smoothly and I have to reformat. This is fine for the odd
> table but for my current project, I need to produce around 100 tables
> publication. 
> Am I missing something straightforward? 
> Thanks
> Tracey
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