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Re: st: 2SLS with Probit in the first-stage regression

From   jean ries <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: 2SLS with Probit in the first-stage regression
Date   Mon, 13 Sep 2004 15:23:54 +0200


Have a look at Wooldridge (2002), pages 623-625. He discusses the situation you are facing. He suggests the following procedure:

. probit w x1-xn z
. predict ghat
. ivreg y x1-xn (w = ghat)

y ==> outcome
x1-xn ==> exogenous variables
w ==> endogenous binary variable
z ==> instrument

Wooldridge shows that in this procedure the 2SLS standard errors remain valid. He also discusses the procedure you seem to have used:

. probit w x1-xn z
. predict ghat
. regress y x1-xn ghat

and points to the problems that arise by doing so.

Jeffrey M. Wooldridge, Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data, MIT Press, 2002.

best wishes,


At 05:30 13/09/2004, you wrote:

I'd like to do a 2SLS estimation where the first-stage
regression is Probit.
For example, the model is
y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + u
where X1 is an endogenous binary variable.
I'd like to instrument X1 with Z1 and Z2 where the
first-stage regression is a Probit
X1 = a + b1Z1 + b2Z2 + b3X2 + e
I tried to use ivreg but it seems the first-stage
regression ivreg does is OLS rather than Probit.
Although I can do the first-stage Probit regression
manually and then use the predicted X1 in the
second-stage regression, I don't think it is accurate
since the OLS standard errors of the second-stage
regression will be incorrect in such a case.
Does Stata has a procedure that does 2SLS with Probit
in the first-stage?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
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