Thanks for this.
I did this to get something like your data:
set obs 120
egen c_code = seq(), block(12)
egen m = seq(), to(12)
gen date = 1960 + m/100
tostring date, replace format(%3.2f) force
and then I tried your code
generate year = real(substr(date,1,4))
generate month = real(substr(date,6,2))
generate paneldate = ym(year,month)
format paneldate %tm
tsset c_code paneldate, monthly
and it worked.
Therefore, I suggest
. duplicates report c_code paneldate
and other applications of -duplicates-.
[email protected]
[email protected]
> Here is what I tried to do:
> I had the data originally like this:
> 1960.01
> 1960.02
> So:
> generate year = real(substr(date,1,4))
> generate month = real(substr(date,6,2))
> generate paneldate = ym(year,month)
> format paneldate %tm
> When I tried to:
> tsset c_code (my panel data operator) paneldate, monthly
> It claims error 451, repeated time values within panel.
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