Learn about univariate time-series analysis with an emphasis on
the practical aspects most needed by practitioners and applied
researchers. Written for a broad array of users, including
economists, forecasters, financial analysts, managers, and
anyone who wants to analyze time-series data. Become expert in
handling date and date–time data, time-series operators,
time-series graphics, basic forecasting methods, ARIMA, ARMAX,
and seasonal models.
We provide lesson material, detailed answers to the questions
posted at the end of each lesson, and access to a discussion
board on which you can post questions for other students and the
course leader to answer.
- Stata 18 installed and working
- Course content of NetCourse 101 or equivalent knowledge
- Familiarity with basic cross-sectional summary statistics and linear regression
- Internet web browser, installed and working
(course is platform independent)
Course content
Lesson 1: Introduction
- Course outline
- Follow along
- What is so special about time-series analysis?
- Time-series data in Stata
- The basics
- Clocktime data
- Time-series operators
- The lag operator
- The difference operator
- The seasonal difference operator
- Combining time-series operators
- Working with time-series operators
- Parentheses in time-series expressions
- Percentage changes
- Drawing graphs
- Basic smoothing and forecasting techniques
- Four components of a time series
- Moving averages
- Exponential smoothing
- Holt–Winters forecasting
Lesson 2: Descriptive analysis of time series
- The nature of time series
- Autoregressive and moving-average processes
- Moving-average processes
- Autoregressive processes
- Stationarity of AR processes
- Invertibility of MA processes
- Mixed autoregressive moving-average processes
- The sample autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions
- A detour
- The sample autocorrelation function
- The sample partial autocorrelation function
- A brief introduction to spectral analysis—The periodogram
Lesson 3: Forecasting II: ARIMA and ARMAX models
- Basic ideas
- Forecasting
- Two goodness-of-fit criteria
- More on choosing the number of AR and MA terms
- Seasonal ARIMA models
- Additive seasonality
- Multiplicative seasonality
- ARMAX models
- Intervention analysis and outliers
- Final remarks on ARIMA models
There is a one-week break between the posting of Lessons 3 and 4;
however, course leaders are available for discussion.
Lesson 4: Regression analysis of time-series data
- Basic regression analysis
- Autocorrelation
- The Durbin–Watson test
- Other tests for autocorrelation
- Estimation with autocorrelated errors
- The Newey–West covariance matrix estimator
- ARMAX estimation
- Cochrane–Orcutt and Prais–Winsten methods
- Lagged dependent variables as regressors
- Dummy variables and additive seasonal effects
- Test for structural break
- Nonstationary series and OLS regression
- A simple ARCH model
- Testing for ARCH
- GARCH models
- Extensions
- Markov-switching models
- Markov-switching dynamic regression
- Markov-switching autoregression
- Threshold regression
- A self-exciting threshold model
- A second threshold model
- Letting threshold choose the number of regimes
The previous four lessons constitute the core material of the course. The
following lesson is optional and introduces Stata’s multivariate
time-series capabilities.
Bonus lesson: Overview of multivariate time-series analysis using Stata
- VARs
- The VAR(p) model
- Lag-order selection
- Diagnostics
- Granger causality
- Forecasting
- Impulse–response functions
- Orthogonalized IRFs
- VARX models
- A basic VECM
- Fitting a VECM in Stata
- Impulse–response analysis