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Last updated: 27 October 2006

2006 Australian and New Zealand Users Group meeting

20–21 September 2006


Marriott Hotel
Exhibition Street
Melbourne, Australia

Original program announcement

Analysis of short interrupted time series using a double bootstrap approach

Andrew Forbes
Monash University

A marginal semi-parametric model for the analysis of recurrent event data in the presence of terminal events

James Cui
Monash University

Variance components models using xtmixed

Rory Wolfe
Monash University

Measures of agreement: analysis using Stata

John Moran
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Publication Quality Tables in Stata

Ian Watson
University of Sydney

Random allocation: A refresh on ralloc

Phil Ryan
University of Adelaide

Managing data in Stata: Experience from the diamond longitudinal study

Patty Chondros
University of Melbourne

Graphs for all seasons

Nick Cox
Durham University

An introduction to Mata

Bill Gould

Maximum likelihood modeling in binary multilevel response models

Murray Aitkin
University of Melbourne
Irit Aitkin
University of Melbourne

Multiple imputation tools: a new architecture for multiple imputation in Stata

John Galati
Murdoch Children's Research Institute

Report to Users and Wishes and Grumbles

Roberto Gutierrez
Bill Gould

Scientific organizers

John Carlin, University of Melbourne and Royal Children's Hospital

Rory Wolfe, Monash University

Robert Breunig, Australian National University

Karl Keesman, Survey Design and Analysis Services Pty Ltd

Peter Herbison, University of Otago

Philip Ryan, University of Adelaide

Lyn Watson, LaTrobe University

Logistics organizers

Survey Design and Analysis Services Pty Ltd, the official distributor of Stata in Australia and New Zealand.