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Resources for learning Stata

Community-contributed resources

Some of these resources are based on earlier versions of Stata. These are also useful for users of Stata 18, because Stata preserves features from earlier versions. Because Stata is cross-platform compatible, even if tutorials claim to require a particular operating system, they will be applicable to all platforms; only the default directories and path specifications will be different.

Stata Online Training Page, Princeton Data and Statistical Services, USA
A series of pages giving a step-by-step instruction in Stata. Topics start from basic Stata usage, and progress through common data management tasks through to using Stata for a wide variety of analysis topics.
Stata Tutorial, Germán Rodríguez, Princeton University, USA
A brief and informative introduction to Stata. There are also some nice notes about fitting generalized linear models using Stata.
Stata cheat sheets, Dr. Tim Essam and Dr. Laura Hughes, USA
These compact yet well-organized sheets cover everything you need, from syntax and data processing to plotting and programming, making them handy references to download for quick use.
Articles on Statistical Computing, Social Science Computing Cooperative, University of Wisconsin, USA
A large collection of well-written and informative pages about a broad set of topics, including an in-depth Introduction to Stata for Researchers, and a careful treatment of Multiple Imputation in Stata.
Resources to help you learn and use Stata, UCLA Institute for Digital Research and Education (IDRE), USA
An extensive resource of Stata information, including FAQs, learning modules, a quick-reference guide, annotated output, textbook examples, and more. Don't miss the Stata Web Books.
Stata Highlights, Richard Williams, University of Notre Dame, USA
Excerpts from Graduate Statistics I and Graduate Statistics II notes which highlight the use of Stata for solving various problems. In particular, there are some good pointers on interpreting predictive margins and marginal effects.
Tips for using Stata, Survey Design and Analysis Services Pty Ltd, Australia
Describes some tips to enhance your efficient use of Stata. New users may want to visit the Getting Started with Stata page.
Internet Guide to Stata, Wolfgang Ludwig-Mayerhofer, Universität Siegen, Germany
This brief guide focuses on Stata for Windows.
The Stata Guide, Asjad Naqvi, Universität Wien, Austria
Information on Stata, data visualizations, data management, and programming.
Multilevel Modelling, Center for Multilevel Modelling, University of Bristol, UK
There approximately 150 pages of materials covering fitting multilevel models for continuous and binary dependent variables in Stata using the xtmixed and xtmelogit commands. Users have to register to access the pdfs, datasets and do-files, but all materials are made freely available.
Statistical Modelling in Stata, Mark Lunt, University of Manchester, UK
Lecture notes, exercises and solutions for an introductory statistics course on basic statistical inference. The materials start with the basics and work up through introductory survival analysis.
Introduction to Stata (PDF), Christopher F. Baum, Boston College, USA
A 67-page description of Stata, its key features and benefits, and other useful information.
An Introduction to Stata, Najib Mozahem
A series of video tutorials introducing Stata basics—navigating Stata's interface, inspecting and modifying data, and saving commands in a do-file.
Visualizing data using Stata, Najib Mozahem
A series of videos for Stata graphics. These videos demonstrate how to create graphs such as histograms, box plots, bar graphs, scatterplots, and fitted regression lines, and they show how to customize the look of a graph.
The Stata Project-Oriented Guide, Roy Mill, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
A series of short tutorials covering the typical steps in a statistical project. The tutorials range from data management to automation with a dash of statistics and postestimation.
Survival Analysis with Stata, Stephen Jenkins, Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex, UK
Lessons, programs, do-files, and a PDF book about survival analysis in Stata. (Updated June 2008)
The Statistical Consulting Group at Academic Technology Services has created a “web book” covering a variety of topics on performing regression analysis with Stata. The book does not teach regression but gives examples showing how to use Stata for performing regression analysis. Written for Stata 7.
Workshops on “Audit trails, reproducibility and output processing” and “Effective use of Stata Graphics”, Stephen Jenkins, Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex, UK
Workshop notes, Powerpoint presentations, data files, and do-files
gologit2 and oglm, Richard Williams, University of Notre Dame, USA
Programs, readings, and documentation for generalized ordered logit and partial proportional-odds models for ordinal dependent variables (gologit2) and ordinal generalized linear models (oglm).

Official resources

Introduction to Stata basics
Ready to learn Stata? This webpage provides easily accessible resources for students who are using Stata for the first time.
Stata video tutorials
Weekly video postings by StataCorp showing how to do common tasks in Stata.
Free Stata webinars
New to Stata? Sign up for the Ready, Set, Go Stata webinar. More experienced user? See the complete list of Stata webinars.
The Stata Blog
Not Elsewhere Classified is the official Stata blog that has articles written by Stata developers and StataCorp staff on the use of Stata and other news related to the use of Stata.
Stata Technical Support FAQs
Answers to the most frequently asked questions in statistics, data management, graphics, and operating system issues.
Statalist is a forum where over 40,000 Stata users from experts to neophytes maintain a lively dialogue about all things statistical and Stata.
Stata training
Classroom and web-based courses, organizational training courses, webinars, NetCourses, and more.
Stata Journal
The Stata Journal is a quarterly publication containing articles about statistics, data analysis, teaching methods, and effective use of Stata's language.
Visual overview for creating graphs
Scroll through over 100 graphs that are broken out by category. Click on a graph to see the command that created it.
Cheat sheets and guides
Also download our cheat sheets for calling Python from Stata and our guide for working with dates and times in Stata.

Resources in other languages

Danish Short Course Materials, Denmark
Homepage for Jens M. Lauritsen containing tutorials in Danish and other Stata materials. Includes a 78-page introductory text in Danish (PDF), as well as course datasets and supplementary ado-files.

Others’ portals and Google searches

Useful Google Searches