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Stata installation guide for Mac

Stata or StataNow

We show screenshots and instructions for StataNow, but any differences if you do not have StataNow are slight and will not cause confusion.

Running the installation

  1. After you have launched the installer, you will be greeted with the following screen.

    Read the Stata 18 requirements to confirm that your hardware and system is compatible with Stata 18.

    Click on Continue.

  2. Read the License Agreement. You will have the option to save or print the instructions if you wish to do so.

    Click on Continue.

  3. The installer will ask you if you agree to the terms of the Software License Agreement.

    Click on Agree to accept the agreement and continue with the installation.

  4. Refer to your License and Activation Key. Confirm which version of Stata you purchased to install.

    Check which version of Stata you want to install. It must match the version that is on your License and Activation Key.

    With your selection made, click on Continue.

  5. The next screen will confirm where the installer will install Stata, and it will tell you how much disk space the installation will take.

    Confirm that your system has this amount of space available.

    Click on Install to proceed with the installation.

  6. The installer is now installing Stata 18. This may take a few minutes.

  7. The installation is complete!

    Click Close to finish the installation and close the installer.

    If you are installing Stata from a disk image that is located in your Downloads folder, you may be prompted to move the installer to the trash after clicking on the Close button. Stata's installer is asking for permission to move its disk image (Stata18.dmg or StataNow18.dmg) to the Trash. You should keep a copy of the installer by clicking on the Keep button in case you need to run the installer again in the future.

Next step

If you have any difficulty with the installation process, contact technical support.