Intro |
Introduction to survival analysis manual |
Survival analysis |
Introduction to survival analysis |
ct |
Count-time data |
ctset |
Declare data to be count-time data |
cttost |
Convert count-time data to survival-time data |
Discrete |
Discrete-time survival analysis |
estat gofplot |
Goodness-of-fit plots after streg, stcox, stintreg, stintcox, or stmgintcox StataNow |
ltable |
Life tables for survival data |
PH plots (interval-censored) |
PH-assumption plots for interval-censored data |
PH plots (right-censored) |
PH-assumption plots for right-censored data |
snapspan |
Convert snapshot data to time-span data |
st |
Survival-time data |
st_is |
Survival analysis subroutines for programmers |
stbase |
Form baseline dataset |
stci |
Confidence intervals for means and percentiles of survival time |
stcox |
Cox proportional hazards model |
stcox postestimation |
Postestimation tools for stcox |
stcrreg |
Competing-risks regression |
stcrreg postestimation |
Postestimation tools for stcrreg |
stcurve |
Plot the survivor or related function after streg, stcox, and others StataNow |
stdescribe |
Describe survival-time data |
stfill |
Fill in by carrying forward values of covariates |
stgen |
Generate variables reflecting entire histories |
stintcox |
Cox proportional hazards model for interval-censored survival-time data |
stintcox postestimation |
Postestimation tools for stintcox |
stintreg |
Parametric models for interval-censored survival-time data |
stintreg postestimation |
Postestimation tools for stintreg |
stir |
Report incidence-rate comparison |
stmc |
Calculate rate ratios with the Mantel–Cox method |
stmgintcox |
Marginal Cox PH model for interval-censored multiple-event data StataNow |
stmgintcox postestimation |
Postestimation tools for stmgintcox StataNow |
stmh |
Calculate rate ratios with the Mantel–Haenszel method |
stptime |
Calculate person-time, incidence rates, and SMR |
strate |
Tabulate failure rates and rate ratios |
streg |
Parametric survival models |
streg postestimation |
Postestimation tools for streg |
sts |
Generate, graph, list, and test the survivor and related functions |
sts generate |
Create variables containing survivor and related functions |
sts graph |
Graph the survivor or related function |
sts list |
List the survivor or related function |
sts test |
Test equality of survivor functions |
stset |
Declare data to be survival-time data |
stsplit |
Split and join time-span records |
stsum |
Summarize survival-time data |
sttocc |
Convert survival-time data to case–control data |
sttoct |
Convert survival-time data to count-time data |
stvary |
Report variables that vary over time |
adjustfor_option |
Adjust survivor and related functions for covariates at specific values |
Glossary |
Combined author index |
Combined subject index |