Regression Analysis of Count Data, Second Edition |
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Comment from the Stata technical groupCameron and Trivedi’s Regression Analysis of Count Data, Second Edition, has been completely revised to reflect the latest developments in the analysis of count data. A new chapter approaches count-data modeling from a Bayesian perspective, and simulation and bootstrap methods have been incorporated into most of the chapters. Material from the first edition has also been reorganized to improve exposition and present the most popular methods earlier within each chapter. The book is written in a technical yet lucid manner so that it will be valuable both to those who are new to count-data models and to seasoned professionals looking for a concise reference. |
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Preface to the First Edition
1 Introduction
1.1 Poisson Distribution and Its Characterizations
1.2 Poisson Regression 1.3 Examples 1.4 Overview of Major Issues 1.5 Bibliographic Notes 2 Model Specification and Estimation
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Example and Definitions 2.3 Likelihood-Based Models 2.4 Generalized Linear Models 2.5 Moment-Based Models 2.6 Testing 2.7 Robust Inference 2.8 Derivation of Results 2.9 Bibliographic Notes 2.10 Exercises 3 Basic Count Regression
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Poisson MLE, QLME, and GLM 3.3 Negative Binomial MLE and QGPMLE 3.4 Overdispersion Tests 3.5 Use of Regression Results 3.6 Ordered and Other Discrete-Outcome Models 3.7 Other Models 3.8 Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares 3.9 Bibliographic Notes 3.10 Exercises 4 Generalized Count Regression
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Mixture Models 4.3 Truncated Counts 4.4 Censored Counts 4.5 Hurdle Models 4.6 Zero-Inflated Count Models 4.7 Hierarchical Models 4.8 Finite Mixtures and Latent Class Analysis 4.9 Count Models with Cross-Sectional Dependence 4.10 Models Based on Waiting Time Distributions 4.11 Katz, Double Poisson, and Generalized Poisson 4.12 Derivations 4.13 Bibliographic Notes 4.14 Exercises 5 Model Evaluation and Testing
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Residual Analysis 5.3 Goodness of Fit 5.4 Discriminating among Nonnested Models 5.5 Tests for Overdispersion 5.6 Conditional Moment Specification Tests 5.7 Derivations 5.8 Bibliographic Notes 5.9 Exercises 6 Empirical Illustrations
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Background 6.3 Analysis of Demand for Health Care 6.4 Analysis of Recreational Trips 6.5 Analysis of Fertility Data 6.6 Model Selection Criteria: A Digression 6.7 Concluding Remarks 6.8 Bibliographic Notes 6.9 Exercises 7 Time Series Data
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Models for Time Series Data 7.3 Static Count Regression 7.4 Serially Correlated Heterogeneity Models 7.5 Autoregressive Models 7.6 Integer-Valued ARMA Models 7.7 State Space Models 7.8 Hidden Markov Models 7.9 Dynamic Ordered Probit Model 7.10 Discrete ARMA Models 7.11 Applications 7.12 Derivations 7.13 Bibliographic Notes 7.14 Exercises 8 Multivariate Data
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Characterizing and Generating Dependence 8.3 Sources of Dependence 8.4 Multivariate Count Models 8.5 Copula-Based Models 8.6 Moment-Based Estimation 8.7 Testing for Dependence 8.8 Mixed Multivariate Models 8.9 Empirical Example 8.10 Derivations 8.11 Bibliographic Notes 9 Longitudinal Data
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Models for Longitudinal Data 9.3 Population Averaged Models 9.4 Fixed Effects Models 9.5 Random Effects Models 9.6 Discussion 9.7 Specification Tests 9.8 Dynamic Longitudinal Models 9.9 Endogenous Regressors 9.10 More Flexible Functional Forms for Longitudinal Data 9.11 Derivations 9.12 Bibliographic Notes 9.13 Exercises 10 Endogenous Regressors and Selection
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Endogeneity in Recursive Models 10.3 Selection Models for Counts 10.4 Moment-Based Methods for Endogenous Regressors 10.5 Example: Doctor Visits and Health Insurance 10.6 Selection and Endogeneity in Two-Part Models 10.7 Alternative Sampling Frames 10.8 Bibliographic Notes 11 Flexible Methods for Counts
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Flexible Distributions Using Series Expansions 11.3 Flexible Models of the Conditional Mean 11.4 Flexible Models of the Conditional Variance 11.5 Quantile Regression for Counts 11.6 Nonparametric Methods 11.7 Efficient Moment-Based Estimation 11.8 Analysis of Patent Counts 11.9 Derivations 11.10 Bibliographic Notes 12 Bayesian Methods for Counts
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Bayesian Approach 12.3 Poisson Regression 12.4 Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods 12.5 Count Models 12.6 Roy Model for Counts 12.7 Bibliographic Notes 13 Measurement Errors
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Measurement Errors in Regressors 13.3 Measurement Errors in Exposure 13.4 Measurement Errors in Counts 13.5 Underreported Counts 13.6 Underreported and Overreported Counts 13.7 Simulation Example: Poisson with Mismeasured Regressor 13.8 Derivations 13.9 Bibliographic Notes 13.10 Exercises A Notation and Acronyms
B Functions, Distributions, and Moments
B.1 Gamma Function
B.2 Some Distributions B.3 Moments of Truncated Poisson C Software
Author Index
Subject Index
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