This manual includes features that are part of StataNow™.
Intro Introduction to data management reference manual Data management Introduction to data management commands append Append datasets assert Verify truth of claim assertnested Verify variables nested bcal Business calendar file manipulation by Repeat Stata command on subsets of the data cd Change directory cf Compare two datasets changeeol Convert end-of-line characters of text file checksum Calculate checksum of file clear Clear memory clonevar Clone existing variable codebook Describe data contents collapse Make dataset of summary statistics compare Compare two variables compress Compress data in memory contract Make dataset of frequencies and percentages copy Copy file from disk or URL corr2data Create dataset with specified correlation structure count Count observations satisfying specified conditions cross Form every pairwise combination of two datasets Data types Quick reference for data types datasignature Determine whether data have changed Datetime Date and time values and variables Datetime business calendars Business calendars Datetime business calendars creation Business calendars creation Datetime conversion Converting strings to Stata dates Datetime display formats Display formats for dates and times Datetime durations Obtaining and working with durations Datetime relative dates Obtaining dates and date information from other dates Datetime values from other software Date and time conversion from other software describe Describe data in memory or in file destring Convert string variables to numeric variables and vice versa dir Display filenames drawnorm Draw sample from multivariate normal distribution drop Drop variables or observations ds Compactly list variables with specified properties duplicates Report, tag, or drop duplicate observations dyngen Dynamically generate new values of variables edit Browse or edit data with Data Editor egen Extensions to generate encode Encode string into numeric and vice versa erase Erase a disk file expand Duplicate observations expandcl Duplicate clustered observations export Overview of exporting data from Stata filefilter Convert ASCII or binary patterns in a file fillin Rectangularize dataset format Set variables' output format fralias Alias variables from linked frames frames intro Introduction to frames frames Data frames frame change Change identity of current (working) frame frame copy Make a copy of a frame frame create Create a new frame frame drop Drop frame from memory frame prefix The frame prefix command frame put Copy selected variables or observations to a new frame frame pwf Display name of current (working) frame frame rename Rename existing frame frames describe Describe frames in memory or in a file frames dir Display names of all frames in memory frames reset Drop all frames from memory frames save Save a set of frames on disk frames use Load a set of frames from disk frget Copy variables from linked frame frlink Link frames frunalias Change storage type of alias variables generate Create or change contents of variable gsort Ascending and descending sort hexdump Display hexadecimal report on file icd Introduction to ICD commands icd9 ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes icd9p ICD-9-CM procedure codes icd10 ICD-10 diagnosis codes icd10cm ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes icd10pcs ICD-10-PCS procedure codes import Overview of importing data into Stata import dbase Import and export dBase files import delimited Import and export delimited text data import excel Import and export Excel files import fred Import data from Federal Reserve Economic Data import haver Import data from Haver Analytics databases import haverdirect Import data from Haver Analytics Cloud servers import sas Import SAS files import sasxport5 Import and export data in SAS XPORT Version 5 format import sasxport8 Import and export data in SAS XPORT Version 8 format import spss Import SPSS files infile (fixed format) Import text data in fixed format with a dictionary infile (free format) Import unformatted text data infix (fixed format) Import text data in fixed format input Enter data from keyboard insobs Add or insert observations inspect Display simple summary of data's attributes ipolate Linearly interpolate (extrapolate) values isid Check for unique identifiers jdbc Load, write, or view data from a database with a Java API joinby Form all pairwise combinations within groups label Manipulate labels label language Labels for variables and values in multiple languages labelbook Label utilities list List values of variables StataNow lookfor Search for string in variable names and labels memory Memory management merge Merge datasets Missing values Quick reference for missing values mkdir Create directory mvencode Change missing values to numeric values and vice versa notes Place notes in data obs Increase the number of observations in a dataset odbc Load, write, or view data from ODBC sources order Reorder variables in dataset outfile Export dataset in text format pctile Create variable containing percentiles putmata Put Stata variables into Mata and vice versa range Generate numerical range recast Change storage type of variable recode Recode categorical variables rename Rename variable rename group Rename groups of variables reshape Convert data from wide to long form and vice versa rmdir Remove directory sample Draw random sample save Save Stata dataset separate Create separate variables shell Temporarily invoke operating system snapshot Save and restore data snapshots sort Sort data split Split string variables into parts splitsample Split data into random samples stack Stack data statsby Collect statistics for a command across a by list sysuse Use shipped dataset type Display contents of a file unicode Unicode utilities unicode collator Language-specific Unicode collators unicode convertfile Low-level file conversion between encodings unicode encoding Unicode encoding utilities unicode locale Unicode locale utilities unicode translate Translate files to Unicode use Load Stata dataset varmanage Manage variable labels, formats, and other properties vl Manage variable lists vl create Create and modify user-defined variable lists vl drop Drop variable lists or variables from variable lists vl list List contents of variable lists vl rebuild Rebuild variable lists vl set Set system-defined variable lists webuse Use dataset from Stata website xpose Interchange observations and variables zipfile Compress and uncompress files and directories in zip archive format Glossary Combined author index Combined subject index